[Well, the feed is opening up on a cute adorable Turtwig face, who is trying to gnaw on it... but the feed pulls back a little, showing a Pikachu tail near the bottom of the screen. Boomer and Tanta are playing minor games! Though now that Boomers got the feed up away from Tanta?
It's catching Lea in a back storeroom,
humming and half mumbling out some lyrics as he's outright dancing to the tune going on in his head. No really, he's busting some good moves for the fact that there's no real beat going on other than what he's hearing. He's about partway through the chorus when he spins to wave his arms with a box in hand, but uh.
The sound of someone muffling a snicker behind the feed has him snapping his eyes open and turning a shade of red that rivals his hair, dropping the box.]
R--- R-Rise?
[THANK GOD BOOMER HAS THE SENSE TO FLIP THE GEAR AROUND and fiddle with the buttons, because all that can be heard before the feed clips off? Rise just. Laughing. So. Hard. There will be no end to this laughter for a fair amount of time.]
(ooc: if that link doesn't work for you, try
this one instead!)