Been a while!!

Apr 15, 2008 16:53

Holy crap...this thing is seriously neglected lol. Its been about 9 months I think. Give or take. So what have I been doing since than...Basically, my life since than can be summed up in one sentence:

My Life = AMAZING =)

I couldn't have asked for anything better. I thought high school was good. Well college is a million times better. Some of the finer details include me going from absoulte certainty about what I'm going to do with my life to no idea what so ever. I thought I wanted to do science. I thought I wanted to do forensics. But looking at my possible schedule for me first semester of college I realized something. I don't even like science that much. And I'm not very good at it either lol. I hate all the nit pickey little details and the fact that we have to learn all these stupid things that I can't even imagine in my head. Like a ribosome. Why do I care? They're stupid looking anyway. But yeah...that was kinda hard to give up, considering I had always been so focused on it since like 8th grade. But now I think I've finally decided on psychology. What exactly do I do with that?? No idea lol. Counseling? Maybe. Forensic Psychology? I kinda like that one a little better. But who knows. So as of right now I'm just psychology and religious studies, but since I'm taking forensic psych next semester, if I like it I'm gonna declare that. But another thing is that my criminology professor is really pressuring me to get involved in the criminal justice program. But when I talked to my advisor he said it looks bad to do both forensic psych and criminal justice for some odd reason, so I should pick one. But we'll see. So thats change number 1.

Change number 2 is even better. I actually have an amazing boyfriend now...who I absolutely love and adore. As of this moment we're going on 4 months and 14 days. And I know theres plenty more to come. We worked together all of last summer, and I do mean allllll summer. 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and even our half hour lunch break. Hes simply amazing, thats the only way to describe him. Hes a freshman at Lehigh University whos majoring in Chemical Engineering (which I think hes ABSOLUTELY INSANE for, but he loves it so thats good for him), and he treats me better than anyone else in the entire world. Hes actually going with me to my aunt's house for the weekend to celebrate my birthday...and I'm sooooo excited =) And the fact that we get to work together again allll summer makes me even happier.

Anyway, back to college. First semester was awesome. Honors writing and Anatomy sucked majorly, but oh well. And the whole anatomy thing...what the heck? Apparently my advisor thought it was a good idea to put a first semester freshman into an upper level class, but hey it was fun. I loooove anatomy, so yeah it was all good. Maltich rocked my socks. I don't know how I managed to fall asleep in that class, cause shes soooo loud, but I did lol. Multiple times. And lab at 8 in the morning is so not kosher. Whoever thought of that concept should be castrated and shot in the head. But its over, and I got a solid B in the class...which is awesome. Everything else was an I got my awesome GPA and I'm still in the honors program, so life is happy. So that was first semester. Second semester is awesome too. Nothing major...I love my classes. Developmental Psyche, Prob and stats, sociology (with Maynard, gotta love it), criminology, and death and dying. And working is going well too. I love the fact that I finally get paid for tutoring. Its awesome. And the girls are adorable. I was hoping to get site coordinator for the Boys and Girls Club for next year, but the upperclassman who did it this year automatically gets it, so maybe junior year.

But next semester is going to be soooooo amazingly awesome, you have no idea how excited I am. First of all I have wednesdays and fridays off...which is awesome, and the way my schedule falls I can tutor at 2 sites instead of just 1. My work schedule isn't final, but if it works out the way I want it to I get over $200 every two weeks, which is just fine with me. So yeah...other things about college. ummm...I went from seeing no broadway shows to seeing 2 boradway shows. It was awesome. First semester I saw Phantom of the Opera with Sarah and Maira, which was amazing. And second semester I saw Rent...with Sarah and Maira again lol. The best part of rent was that after the show they had fundraising for a charity, and if you paid $20 you could get a picture with Mark and Roger. So the three of us did that, and Mark touched my shoulder!!!! It was aweosme.

Oh...and I one last thing. As of two days ago I am now I brother in Alpha Phi Omega, a community service fraternity. Yes it is a fraternity, not a sorority. Yes I go to an all girls college, no there are no sororities, and yes once again it is a fraternity, not a sorority. Its great, I looove it =)

I think thats basically it...cause Nora is sitting in my room distracting me. Dinners in half an hour, so thats good. But after that I have criminology from 7 to 9:30, than my brotherhood meeting from 9:45 until who knows when. I hate tuesdays...they're so loooooong. Oh well, I think thats enough for now.
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