
Sep 24, 2006 20:52

Hadrurus and I are looking for a place in DC to hold a wedding. We scrapped Las Vegas. I would rather have friends near and be able to spend more time with the kids than go to Vegas. Besides, I just can't see having the dress move so often from place to place and not get lost or damaged. I want minimum travel with it and maximum fun! I only have 16 days to catch up on everything I've missed for the last 9 months. I want to go to Outback and eat a bloom'n onion after hitting one of the climbing gyms. The only thing I get to climb here are the walls! Oh and sometimes ruins, but they aren't very high.

We've been busy at work with a new upgrade...it seems like everytime we go to load it something new goes wrong. Oh, wait something DOES go wrong with every load and it's always a different problem. It's so much fun. (dripping sarcasm) At least I get to spend 2 weeks at our other offices and don't have to deal with this for a bit. Maybe I can focus more on getting my books straightened out and get some study time in for tech sergeant. That would be good. :)

And now for the ramble...Sorry
Gawd I miss seafood! You'd think I could get it cheap living on a bay but nooooo...and besides you don't know where they got the fish from. Buggers.
Not that I didn't know it, but these people will rob you blind if you don't haggle with them! You know how you know something, but you don't want to believe it until you see it for yourself...

Why do people want to drag others down where they are? "If I'm not happy, you can't be either?" With this mentality you have to ask yourself, "When Eve gave Adam the apple, was she suddenly miserable and had to share her misery with him, or did she honestly want him to share in the knowledge that she gained?" I'm going with the misery. Heh. Women are so...yeah...some of us just aren't right.
And now on with the search...
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