new SGU fic: Five times a piece of clothing was reused on the Destiny

Apr 03, 2012 21:51

Title: Five times a piece of clothing was reused on the Destiny
Author: Shenandoah Risu
Rating: PG-13
Content Flags: canon infant death
Spoilers: up to Season 2 "Intervention"
Characters: Everett Young, Tamara Johansen, Jeremy Franklin, Chloe Armstrong, Matthew Scott, Vanessa James, Hunter Riley, Ronald Greer
Word Count: 860
Summary: "You do the same and pass it on to someone who might need it at some point.”
Author's Notes: Written for prompt set #146 at sg1_five_things.
Disclaimer: I don't own SGU. I wouldn't know what to do with it. Now, Young... Young I'd know what to do with. ;-)
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Five times a piece of clothing was reused on the Destiny

He doesn't remember exactly what happened after the Icarus explosion propelled him through the gate into the unknown. “You were thrown clear across the room,” TJ explains to him. “You hit the ground hard, and Scott checked on you, and then you passed out.”

Young closes his eyes. “I can’t remember. I was home… I had a seizure, I think…”

“You woke up briefly and yes, you did have a seizure. Your head wound, probably.”

Young shivers. “I’m cold.”

TJ blushes slightly. “Blood loss. And Greer helped me take your shirt off so I could check on you - the blood had seeped right into it. So we didn’t put it back on.”

Young cranes his neck.


“I meant your t-shirt. The long-sleeve was still ok.”


She holds up his blood-stained t-shirt and he drifts off again.


“My shirt is wrecked,” Franklin complains bitterly.

“But it looks like Dr. Volker might do a decent job darning the hole,” TJ observes, “I hear he’s quite the wizard with needle and thread. And the wound is healing up nicely.”

“Still hurts like hell.”

“I’m sure it does. Gun shot wounds are a tricky business. You were very lucky.”

Franklin gives her a level stare and TJ rolls her eyes.

“You would be dead now, like Curtis and Palmer.”

“We don’t know that,” he says, a little less angry. “Perhaps they’re living it up on a beach planet.”

“Yeah, right,” TJ smiles. “Look, here, I’m sorry you’re in pain, but you’re really doing great. How about I let you have this t-shirt, so you have something to change into while Volker is patching your regular shirt.”

“Where’d you get an extra shirt?”

“It was Colonel Young’s. It got soaked during the evac, but he washed it and it’s clean. He let me have it in case someone really needed it. Here you go.”

Franklin hesitates but takes the shirt.

“You sure?”

“Positive. Just you do the same and pass it on to someone who might need it at some point.”

“All right. Thanks, TJ. I guess you military types aren’t all bad.”

And he shuffles off with the t-shirt.


“Good heavens, Chloe, where’d you get that baggy shirt?”

“Matt, it’s a loaner - those aliens took all of my clothes… I’m glad I don’t remember it…”

“Whose shirt is it, then?”

Chloe picks at the t-shirt which is a few sizes too big for her.

“Actually, surprisingly enough, I got it from Dr. Franklin.”

Matt stares at her. “Seriously?”

“Yeah… he brought some herbs to the infirmary while TJ was checking me out, and he saw the suit lying there while I was just wrapped in a blanket… and he told me to wait and ran off, and he brought me this shirt.”

“Well, that was rather sweet of him. Dr. Franklin, really?”

“He said it used to be Colonel Young’s, and then he got it, and I guess I have it now.”

“That explains it, then.”

“I suppose. It was still kind of him to want to help out.”

“Sure. You want some of your own clothes now?”

Chloe sighs. “Yes, thanks. I’m so glad I actually had some in my bag when we left.”


Chloe squints at the old t-shirt. “Well, I don’t actually know - how big is a newborn?”

Vanessa shrugs. “I’d imagine TJ’s baby will be tiny… we’ve all been starving for so long, so she never really had much of a chance to grow properly.”


“Just sayin’.”

“We ate well on New Eden… but TJ threw up a lot there.”

Vanessa traces an outline on the shirt. “I’m guessing like this, maybe?”

Chloe perks up. “I bet Riley would know - he has like a million siblings and cousins.”

“Great idea. I’ll go find him. Meanwhile, go and see if you can separate the front and back half.”

Chloe smiles and carefully starts ripping the seams of the old t-shirt apart. And indeed, Riley has a pretty good idea of what a jumper for a newborn baby should look like.

“That’s a really sweet gift,” he says to her later. “And a great use for a shirt that’s about to fall apart anyway.”

Chloe beams.


“She’s pretty messed up, Sir,” Greer says gently. “Best if you don’t see her.”

Young stares straight ahead and doesn’t respond. Greer sits down across from him.

“We dressed her in the little jumper Chloe made. What was left of her, anyway. It was still too big for her. More like a shroud.”

Young looks up.

“That was my shirt.”

Greer nods. “I’m aware, Sir. We thought it fitting for the occasion.”


“Corporal Barnes and I.”

“Where is she now?”

“Cold storage… until we can stop somewhere to bury her properly.”

Young bites his lip.

“I want to be there,” he finally whispers.

“Of course, Sir. Next stop we make. We’ll carry TJ if she wants to come, too.”

“Thank you, Sergeant.”

Greer hesitates, then gets up.

“I’m sorry for your loss, Sir. She was precious to all of us.”

Young just nods and Greer leaves quietly.



Thanks for reading! Feedback or a comment would be much appreciated.

cpl. barnes, chloe armstrong, jeremy franklin, vanessa james, sgu fic, sgt. curtis, sgu characters, author: shena8, hunter riley, destiny, ronald greer, tamara johansen, aliens, andrea palmer, matthew scott, dale volker, planets, carmen, everett young

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