Title: We meet again
Author: Shenandoah Risu
Artist: Shenandoah Risu
Rating: G
Content Flags: pre-series fic/ crossover artwork
Spoilers: none/ pre-series
Characters: Camile Wray, Everett Young
Word Count: 249
Summary: What struck her about him even then was his stoic silence.
Author's Notes: Written for a challenge at
stargateland. In the artwork, a Stargate character needed to be paired with a non-Stargate character in a picspam; then a story was to be written that explained the combination of characters and circumstances. I chose to combine Camile Wray from SGU with Michael Mueller from the ER episode "The Domino Heart". Click on the thumbnail image in the text below for a large version.
Disclaimer: I don't own SGU. I wouldn't know what to do with it. Now, Young... Young I'd know what to do with. ;-)
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We Meet Again
She’s met him before, and she knows he recognizes her, too, but he doesn’t say anything.
She remembers well, how it was her first day as an IOA HR rep at Cheyenne Mountain, and he was carried back through the gate on a stretcher; she took notes on his case - how he had successfully rescued a team member who had fallen into a crevasse and tumbled down a steep hillside in the process; how he was knocked unconscious and they all suspected he’d injured his spine. She recalls shuddering at the sight of his bruises. Luckily, he only broke his right hand. She filled out his paperwork as the doctor put his hand in a cast.
He was so young back then, his hair slightly longer, and wearing a goatee, as part of an undercover operation he was about to go on. She remembers going to see him again when he was released, to check on his file and finish up the paperwork.
What struck her about him even then was his stoic silence, his quiet suffering, his deep concern for his team.
She knows working with him now on Icarus Base won’t be a walk in the park, he’s not the pushover type of commander she’s used to from other assignments. But she also knows that he cares.
And somehow, this makes it worth the challenge.
They will have their disagreements, she’s sure of it, but in the end, they’ll always have each other’s backs.