Title: Five Pillow Talks
Author: Shenandoah Risu
Rating: Teen
Content Flags: suggestive dialogue
Spoilers: SGU Season 2
Characters: two pillows, TJ, Young, Matt, Chloe, Destiny, Seed Ship, Telford, Ursini #1, Greer, Lisa
Word Count: 950
Summary: “Well, a pillow would be nice, for starters.”
Author's Notes: Written for
sg1_five_things. And yes, that's real machine code in #3, and I have no idea what it actually does. So if your garage door suddenly goes up while you read this, at least you know why.
Disclaimer: I don't own SGU. I wouldn't know what to do with it. Now, Young... Young I'd know what to do with. ;-)
Thanks for reading! Feedback = Love. ;-) Please leave comments here at my LJ, if it's not too much trouble.
Five Pillow Talks
“Hey, P-1?”
“Good to see you again, after, what, a million years?”
“Likewise. Lookin’ mighty fine, P-2.”
“You too.”
“One would think we’d deteriorate a bit, despite the shrink wrap…”
“… but we look gooooood, like the day we were made.”
“Wait... P-2, what’s that?”
“Some guy. Some girl.”
“Not Alterra?”
“How can you tell?”
“He’s bleedin’ on me. Yecch.”
“Ick, that’s a lot of... - Now I got it on me, too… Nope, definitely not Alterra.”
“Well then… Who are they?”
“Beats me, P-2.”
“She’s pretty.”
“Yeah. Oh. She’s crying.”
“Hmmm… Lovers, P-1?”
“Former lovers, I’d say.”
“Yeah… DNA traces of both, here.”
“Might be a good story, P-2.”
“Shhh… he’s coming to. Let’s listen and find out.”
“You know what I miss the most?”
“What’s that, Chloe?”
“My pillow.”
“Why is that so surprising?”
“Well, I would have thought - your mom, or your friends, or chocolate…”
“Yeah, I miss those, too. But right now I miss my pillow.”
“What’s so special about it?”
“Oh, I don’t even know… not too soft, not too hard, just the right degree of lumpiness…”
“Yeah… so you can puff it up.”
“Hmmm… actually, these pillows are pretty comfy, I think.”
“Ugh - that ergonomically correct crap that molds itself to your head. Plus they weigh a ton. And for god’s sake - metallic fabric!”
“What does your pillow look like?”
“Don’t laugh… it’s a Disney princess pillow…”
“A Dis-... For real?”
“Maaaaatt... I said, don’t laugh!”
“Ouch! Ow! Stop it! Hey! No pillow fights with these things!”
dim vv as double
dim sMC as string = MC_Eval$ "
b8 #vv ' ' vv base address
dd 40 08 ' fld qword [eax+08] ' angle degrees in vv2
c7 00 NL180 ' mov dword [eax],180 ' temp store vv0 integer 180
da 30 ' fidiv dword [eax] ' angle in degrees
d9 eb ' fldpi ' pi
de c9 ' fmulp st(1) ' multiply by pi
d9 fb ' fsincos ' produce sine st(0) and cosine st(1)
dd 50 38 ' fst qword ptr [eax+56] ' sin in vv8
d9 c9 ' fxch st(1) ' swap to save cos
dd 50 30 ' fst qword ptr [eax+48] ' cos in vv7
d9 c9 ' fxch st(1) ' swap back again
d9 f3 ' fpatan ' arctangent pops 1 then result in st(0)
dd 50 28 ' fst qword ptr [eax+40] ' store arctan radians in vv6
d9 eb ' fldpi ' load pi
de f9 ' fdivp st(1) ' divide angle by pi
da 08 ' fimul dword ptr [eax] ' multiply by 180
dd 58 20 ' fstp qword ptr [eax+32] 'store angle degrees in vv5
c3 ' ret 'dim vv as double
dim sMC as string = MC_Eval$ "
b8 #vv ' vv base address
dd 40 00 ' fld qword ptr [eax+00] ' ( vv1
dc 40 08 ' fadd qword ptr [eax+08] ' + vv2
dd 40 10 ' fld qword ptr [eax+16] ' ) ( vv3
dc 40 18 ' fadd qword ptr [eax+24] ' +vv4
'de c9 ' fmulp st(1) '
de f9 ' fdivp st(1) ' ) /
dd 58 38 ' fstp qword ptr [eax+56] ' = vv8
c3 ' ret '
dim fun as long ' function number
dim sMC as string = MC_Eval$ "
5a ' pop ' obj elements pointer
42 ' inc edx ' adjust pointer to the start of data elements
8b 05 #fun ' mov eax,fun ' get function number
c1 e0 03 ' shl eax,3 ' *8 step
83 c0 05 ' add eax,5 ' add 5 to reach jump table
e8 00 00 00 00 ' call null ' where am I ? identify absolute address\
59 ' pop ecx ' pop my address here intp ecx
03 c1 ' add eax,ecx ' add to jump offset to get abs address
ff e0 ' jmp eax ' indirect jump to jump table
end of line//
“You’re shittin’ me, right?”
^chirp chirp^
“No way I’m getting back into this thing.”
“Because I’m a guy and I’m too tall for this wee little pod!”
^chirp chirp chirp^
“Okay, okay, you’re great in the sack, I’ll hand you that, but I still have a stiff neck from yesterday.”
^tic tic tic^
“Not funny, dude.”
“Well, a pillow would be nice, for starters.”
“Square fluffy thing, about yae big, really comfy.”
“All right. I’ll go find one. You go look for a better place, okay?”
“Fine. See ya. Tell the others no peeking. They’ll get their turn eventually.”
“… four sons, three daughters, fifteen grandchildren!”
“I’m tired.”
“Aww, Ronnie…”
“Aww, Lisa…”
“D’you remember when we made our first one? You bumped your head so badly TJ had to stitch you back up in the middle of the night.”
“We had no pillows…”
“We had nothing, back then.”
“We had each other.”
“And that was enough, somehow.”
“It was, it was… Now look at the beautiful pillows we have.”
“No more bumping your head…”
“Oh, I still bump my head plenty!”
“Yeah… but you don’t need stitches afterwards.”
“True, true…”
“Anyway, we got these pillows for our 40th anniversary.”
“They’re gorgeous. So soft and fluffy.”
“Perfect for us.”
“Perfect. Like us.”
Please leave comments here at my LJ. Thanks!