Title: Our Worlds
Artist: Shenandoah Risu
Rating: G
Content Flags: none
Characters: Destiny
Artist's Notes: Made for the February 2013 challenge "Season 1" at
stargatecountry. The task was to make a wallpaper using only images from Season 1. I chose as a theme the worlds that members of the Destiny crew visited in the first 20 episodes of the show. Also, I was in the mood for learning a new collage program and found this website:
PosterMyWall. Out of the many collage programs out there this one was the most versatile, allowing you to pick the number of prints and then adding a number of interesting edge effects. Cropping and rotating is super easy, and the text tools are decent. It doesn't come close to a proper image manipulation program, of course, but it sure is fun and easy and quick to learn. There is a free download of the result available but I simply took a screen cap and then cropped and saved that.
Disclaimer: I don't own SGU. I wouldn't know what to do with it. Now, Young... Young I'd know what to do with. ;-)
Thanks for looking! Feedback = Love. ;-)
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(click on the thumbnail for a large version)