True Blah (Part 5)

Sep 16, 2010 12:30

Title - True Blah (Part 5)
Rating - (a bit of vampy action)
Fandom - True Blood
Pairing (Pam/Jessica)... or Jam if you wish ;)
Disclaimer - Don't own blah blah

Pam settled back into her seat, sitting up straight and perky.

"Oh my, I would be sorry if you didn't look so... delectable tonight."

"You're ever sorry?" Pam slowly looked at her in reply, no guilt, no remorse in her eyes. Jessica fell into her eyes, icy pools, so vivid, so bright in the darkness. Her long straight blonde hair falling over pink shoulders. Jessica always loved to see what outfit Pam would be wearing, never sure if she liked the outfits Eric made her wear for work, the outfits the fangbangers liked, expected to see a vampire wear or if she liked the softer look, the pinks. Tonight she was in the pinks, the outfits that hid Pam's true nature, made her look human. Made her look softer, hiding how deadly she is.

"It used to be easier," Pam stared ahead at the road as she drove, "We would leave our place of life, you could not risk being seen once you were assumed dead."

Some time past when Jessica thought over Pam's words, would it have been easier if she totally lived amongst vampires, out of the sight of the world. She had moved away and didn't see her family, but she wasn't exactly too far away, and she wasn't exactly leading the fantasy vampire life.

She did think she would see her siblings again one day, when they were older and crazy ass religions accepted vampires, cause fuck knows she had a crazy religious family.

"You would be tied to your maker, follow him and obey him, I was lucky to have Eric, I was lucky that I wanted him." Pam spoke slowly, her voice low lost in the past. Jessica looked Pam up and down, thinking about how much she wanted her. She had never felt anything like that for her maker, wishing it was Pam that turned her. Pam felt Jessica's eyes on her, it pleased her as she perked up, looking at Jessica quickly. "I feel fucking sorry for you having Bill-thinks-he's-still-a-breather-Compton as your maker."

Jessica tried to speak, wanted to defend him. She couldn't, he had tried to release her, whatever the fuck that was about. He wasn't exactly teaching her how to be a vampire.

Pam watched Jessica's facial expressions as she tried to reason a way to defend him, she chuckled low.

"You got anything good to defend him with pigtails?"

"...yeah, he don't want me to hurt people."

"Oh but honey, you must. I've told you, you can't survive your first year as a vampire on that synthetic pigs swill. Now lets go pick us up a meal." Jessica's fangs popped out as she thought of real blood, of wanting to taste Pam again. She covered them with her hand quickly. Pam gave a small smile. "Don't hide them on my account."

"I'm sorry, they embarrass me so much. Fucking fang boners." Jessica blubbed a little through her hand.

Pam pulled the car over, then turned to Jessica. She exposed her own fangs. "Don't ever be ashamed. Here." Pam rolled and pushed up her sleeve, exposing her arm to Jessica. She didn't have to tell Jessica more than once this time as Jessica took her arm and bit straight into it, sucking down hard. "Oh honey..." Pam reached down and in a blur her hand was in Jessica's shorts. "Honey." At the feel of Pam's hand, Jessica looked up into Pam's eyes, but she couldn't focus. Her eyelids heavy and fluttered with the pleasure Pam was giving her. She gasped when Pam entered her, breaking her deadly kiss as she gasped, small noises of pleasure escaping her throat. Jessica remembered to lick the wound, certain Pam wouldn't want any blood dripping on her clothing, or interior of the car.

Once Pam was satisfied with Jessica feeding, she was on top of Jessica, straddling her legs, moving within her. Jessica liked the feel of Pam's skirt fabric on her bare legs as Pam moved on her. Pam teased her neck with her tongue, teased her jaw with her kisses almost kissing her lips before suckling her ear. Jessica's hands moved over the top of Pam's clothing to her breasts, but as Pam stilled inside her and took her mouth away, Jessica got the hint. No touching the clothes.

She moved her hands down smoothly over the clothes, not wanting to completely obey Pam, and rested her hands on Pam's ass. Pam started to move again with her hand, as Jessica held tighter onto her until she needed to hold onto her with her mouth, as Pam pushed her over the edge. Jessica sank her teeth into Pam's neck, bringing Pam further to into her, sending waves of pleasure through her again.

Jessica hadn't even seen the golden arches until they were driving round to the speaker post. Jessica let out a giggle, clasping her hand over her mouth to stop herself.

"You don't mean-" Jessica spoke low and slow.

"Yes, its an excellent service." Pam spoke matter of factly.

"Hi, can I take your order please?"

Jessica watched the glamoured girl in the back of the car, she sat perfectly still, hands in her lap. Jessica smiled at how easy Pam had glamoured her, Jessica had been trying it out but to see it done with such skill made her melt. Pam's voice always made her melt. Pam didn't need to glamour anyone, Jessica thought. When they had drove round to the window, the young woman's eyes had lit up at the sight of Pam, maybe even at the sight of her she wanted to think.

Pam drove out into the quiet woods.

femslash, true blood, vampires, fanfic, pam/jessica

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