Impulses (Jayneway/Seven of Nine) Fanfic

Sep 09, 2010 01:37

Impulses (Jayneway/Seven of Nine)
Rating - PG
Fandom - Star Trek Voyager
Disclaimer - Don't own blah blah
Summary - The Captain helps Seven deal with human impulses, hence the title :P
A/N - Dunno where this came from, well from a notebook where I wrote this at lunch at work one day. Enjoy.

"What is the purpose of this exercise, Captain?" Seven matter of factly inquired.

"Impulses." Jayneway took a sip of her glass of wine, "It's come to my attention, that although, while working you've been able to keep your impulses under check, I think it's time we worked on your personal impulses."

"Personal?" Seven cocked her head slightly, her eyes flickered with confusion.

"Yes, personal." Jaynesway's mouth hinted a smile, but she kept it under check, her eyes the only giveaway, as they shone. "Yes, when you were Borg, you didn't have to... procreate... but now, you can explore... your sexuality." Jayneway struggled to find her words, words that would make sense to Seven. Seven's eyes bore into her, making the talk difficult, Jayneways eyes shifted away from where Sevens had held them. "It's an integral part of the human experience," Jayneway managed to go on, her eyes back on Sevens once more, in control. "Even The Doctor has had sex." Jayneway couldn't help a chuckle escape her lips. Seven looked at her in silence.

"Is that the objective Captain, for us to have sex?" Seven eventually broke the silence, Jayneways eyes went wide, a smile grew on her face.

"The objective... for you to explore that side of human nature, the romantic, the intimacy of another-" Jayneway cut herself short, thinking how Seven had been part of the colletive, and how it had taken her so long to become an individual, alone.

"And you are the one to show me?"

"Well who better!?" Jayneway said with almost a wink. "This way you won't feel as... awkward, as perhaps you might-"

"What do we do first?" Seven almost interrupted.

"Well this." Jayneway motioned to their surroundings, a warmly lit restaurant by a window onto a starry moonlit sky, reflecting into a lake below. "A classic dinner for two. Romantic."

"This is considered romantic?"

"Oh very."

"I see." Seven looked with her slightly raised eyebrows, unimpressed.

"Hmm, you see... how about this." Jayneway instructed the computer to change the currently running program to another. The holodeck shifted and suddenly they were on a sandy beach, though it was still night, and the stars shone just as bright.

"This is also considered romantic?" Seven looked down at her Captain, Jayneway turned to her resting a hand on Seven's arm.

"Yes, isn't it beautiful?"

"And beauty equals romantic?" Seven looked around her, then back to her Captain, waiting for an answer.

"You are certainly beautiful." Jayneways words softened Seven's gaze.

"I have heard that from the crew, from Harry," Jayneways hand moved up Seven's arm, up to her neck and face. "Are you going to teach me to control my impulses now because I want to kiss you Captain." As she was speaking, Seven's own hands came up from her sides and cradled Jayneways face.

femslash, fanfic, star trek, jayneway, seven of nine, voyager

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