In The Lions Den - Part 7 of ongoing story (Legend of the Seeker)

May 31, 2010 12:58

Title: In The Lions Den - Part 7 of ongoing story
Rating: R
Character(s): Kahlan/Cara/Dahlia
Spoilers: Nope
Discalimer - I don't own but if I did I wouldn't have cancelled it, not even thought about cancelling it because I watch it, and saw its awesomeness.
Summary: Following on from the others at my LJ... yadda yadda sorry this didnt remain a one-off. :D

Kahlan cried out Cara's name, the agiel pressing hard into her. Cara fought against her binding, shouting obscenities at Dahlia. Dahlia looked up into the Mother Confessors eyes to claim her victory, Kahlan would submiss to her and her power. Kahlan's eyes went black and Dahlia's followed suit. She collapsed onto the ground in front of the Mother Confessor, her agiel fell to the ground.

"Command me Mistress."

Kahlan panted, regaining herself. Cara panted out a smile, broadening as Kahlan looked up into Cara's eyes, a cute relieved smile revealing her dimples.

"Untie me." Kahlan instructed, Dahlia did so, but Kahlan wanted to untie Cara herself. As she did Dahlia fussed about her.

Cara's smile disappeared and her eyes grew furious. She grabbed a hold of the back of Dahlia's head, pulling her down, cracking Dahlia's back across her knee.

"Stop, Cara, don't." Kahlan cried out, moving quickly to them. Cara's head whipped up, she looked confused and dug her hand harder into Dahlia's head.

"Do you want a go?" Cara devilishly smiled. Dahlia's eyes looked up to Kahlans, hopeful.

"For what I have planned she can't be harmed."

"Yet?" Cara ventured, Kahlan met her question with a small almost regretful nod. Kahlan picked up Dahlia by her shoulders, standing face to face with her.

"I want to be left alone-"

"-but Mistress!"

"...We want to be left alone," Kahlan searched her mind. "You can ride into town, fetch our things, meet us back here at dawn."

"Oh Mistress, I'm sure there's a more fulfilling way I can please you." Cara let the tiniest 'pft!'

"Go." Kahlan's tone was very serious, Dahlia stole a kiss from Kahlan.

"Yes Mistress." She bowed her head to Kahlan, a sly look over to Cara, that Cara saw. Cara simply stood in her usual bad ass way, hands on her hips. Dahlia took off on her horse, heading back into town.

"You just let her go," Cara's hands clenched and unclenched repeatedly at her sides. "...Kahlan? We're not going to run away from this, from her."

"No we're not, she's going to take us to Lord Rahl."

"Richard." Cara spoke quietly.

"Yes," Kahlan said loudly, to make sure Cara knew she heard the disappointment in Cara's voice when she spoke his name. "Yes, we've got to rescue Richard. Do you think we can use her as a... no, he wouldn't give up Richard for one Mord'Sith... would he?" Cara shook her head, knowing the plan that had crossed Kahlan's mind.

Kahlan stepped out of the leathers fully, the night air making her shiver. Cara wanted to shiver but held herself rigid. Without words, Kahlan took Cara's hand and led them down to a nearby stream. Women always made camp near water, the Mord'Sith had been no different.

"What did you think would happen, Cara?" Cara was silent. "I'd let you kill her? She meant something to you, someone important from your past..." It was almost a question, that didn't need asked. Kahlan knew this woman was important to Cara. They sat at the water's edge, Kahlan's feet swaying in the water, Cara's did not. Cara mulled Kahlan's words over in her mind as Kahlan slid herself into the water. She reached her hand back for Cara, Cara took it and followed her in. Kahlan led them further into the water and then turned to face Cara. "Turn around." Cara did as asked. Kahlan massaged Cara's shoulders, her hands slowly slipping under the water, and round Cara as she slid her body onto Cara's. Kahlan rested her head on Cara's shoulder.

"Do you ever think about it just being the two of us?" Kahlan ventured, her face looked innocent, youthful. Cara cocked her head slightly. "I mean after we've helped Richard... what then? There must be something we can work around..." Kahlan pressed, her eyes searching Cara, for her reaction. Cara's eyes looked down, into the water, she could see Kahlan's reflection in the moonlit surface. Kahlan's eyes followed her gaze onto the waters surface, being able to see Cara's reaction.

"What else is there?" Cara answered eventually, hoping for Kahlan to answer her own question. Kahlan replied with a kiss, no word needed, not yet, she would save that for later. For now she wanted to show Cara what else there was. Cara draped her arms over Kahlan''s shoulders, leaving Kahlan to explore her body under the water.

They kissed in the water until the sun began to make way to the day.

Dahlia had returned, and watched them in each others arms, from where she sat on her horse hidden by trees, almost, as Cara spotted her. Cara continued to nibble and kiss Kahlan's shoulder, fixing her eyes darkly on Dahlia.

"Mistress, I've returned with your things, can I help you dress?" Kahlan turned in surprise at Dahlia's words.

"You could go away." Cara spoke, as she curled Kahlan's wet hair around her fingers.

"Mistress?" Dahlia ignored Cara, deferring what she was to do next to Kahlan.

"Yes, go get us some breakfast."

"Yes Mistress, if it will help you love me as you do Cara." Kahlan looked a little surprised. Cara hid a smile, but her eyes couldn't hide her amusement.

"Are we so obviously in love?" Kahlan smiled, turning to face Cara. She traced her fingers over Cara's face, letting them end up and linger on Cara's lips.

"To Dahlia... yes." Kahlan was taken a little aback, but then wondered why she was, at Cara not denying her feelings.

"Why to her?" Kahlan knew they'd be spied by Dahlia canoodling in the water, but that didn't equate love. Cara simply meant that Richard and Zedd were clueless to the flirting that had been building up between her and Kahlan the entire time they'd known one another, the understanding, the closeness that had happened, was totally missed by the two men.

"We were... close."

"So you were...lovers?"

"We were intimate, yes." Cara stopped Kahlan asking any more questions, taking Kahlan's hand from her face and bringing them down under the water to her sex. Kahlan's eyes refused to waver from Cara's deadlock gaze, as she slid into Cara.

Cara had her legs round Kahlan, riding on her as Kahlan held her tight. Kahlan enjoying Cara biting down hard on her shoulder, trying to make the pleasure last.

"Breakfast is ready Mistress." Dahlia appeared in the clearing above the lake. The momentary distraction made Cara let go, as she let go of Kahlan's shoulder and cried out Kahlan's name mingled with gasps and finally a moan of pleasure, as she kissed where she had been biting.

They ate, got dressed back in their usual garb, Kahlan opting for her white confessors dress, she wasn't going to the castle to fight, she needed to be taken in as a prisoner, they both did, to get anywhere close to Richard.

Dahlia led them in as her prisoners, at Kahlan's instruction. The Mord'Sith that had rode ahead in the night, had informed Darken Rahl of the prisoners on their way, so when they arrived they were tossed into the dungeon upon arrival.

"You've thought about us, here, before all this... haven't you?" Kahlan bit her lip, clearly she was thinking the same, her eyes flittered over Cara's body through the bars. They had both been stripped of their own clothing and only wore leather binding over their chests and small leather shorts. Cara cocked her head, smiling devilishly, her eyes travelling up Kahlan's body, finding her eyes at last. "Ohh okay, so have I." Kahlan confessed under Cara's lingering gaze. "You know we can't," Cara hadn't even suggested anything, not verbally, "I killed you with Confession last night. We can't, It took all I had when we were bathing in the moonlight for me not to hurt you."

Cara responded with a raised eyebrow, as if Kahlan could hurt her, like that.

Cara had already made it known she was willing to be confessed, she saw it not much different from being broken by Lord Rahl. Except she welcomed this, she actually wanted to let herself go, let herself feel, be consumed by love. "You killed me, yes, you can't do worse than that now can you." Kahlan nervously smiled in response. "But you choked me, you didn't Confess me. You've met your match Confessor."

"But how? You saw what I did to Dahlia... death hasn't changed my powers."

"Perhaps." Cara said nonchalantly.

"I-I did think I heard you, in my mind last night... that has never happened before. Maybe, somehow it's a consequence of..."

"You killing me." Cara said flatly. Kahlan tried to hold it in, but let out a sob.

"Yes, yes I killed you, oh spirits I killed you." Kahlan tried to push the memory of holding Cara's cold corpse in her arms.

"Yes." Cara tried to continue to speak nonchalantly, it was like during her Mord'Sith training when her sisters were encouraged to go a little too far and had killed her. It had similar effect as it did through her training, it had brought them closer together.

"You did not Confess me Kahlan, you simply choked the life from me." Cara regretted her harsh words, but didn't let it show on her face, instead reaching through the bars for Kahlans hands. "You simply cannot Confess me, Mother Confessor." Cara spoke slowly, savouring the words, their power on what it may mean for their future.

"Oh because you're just that amazing." Kahlan mocked, letting herself give Cara a smile.

"Yes." Cara smiled back, Kahlan taking Cara's hands in her own. She lent onto the bars, Cara bringing Kahlan's arms across to her side, where she lifted their entwined fingers up to her mouth, and placed kisses over them. She let her bottom lip trail over them, placing them in her mouth circling Kahlan's fingers with her tongue. "They still have power over me." Kahlan's eyes fluttered at the feeling of Cara.

"I didn't Confess you? I held on long enough," Kahlan's tone confused. "But I held on long enough," She repeated sounding like something was being revealed to her mind. "I held onto you long enough!" Cara nodded, like, 'yep, you're getting what I already figured out' "I really can't, I can't, how? Oh who cares how, I can't Confess you!" Kahlan answered her own question, and brought her head to a space in the bars. "Kiss me." Cara smiled and kissed her. They each loved the feeling of the other smiling while kissing, breaking the kiss to look into each other's eyes.

"I was entering the Con Dar because I thought you had been playing on my feelings of love for you, and-and when you did not fight back, but were there in my grasp allowing me to take you, it brought me back... but it was too late." Cara stroked over Kahlan's hair, trying to comfort her as best as she could through the barrier. "But," Kahlan chuckled. "It turned out you do have feelings." Kahlan stared into Cara's eyes, they smiled back at her. They stood hands entwining again. "What are you waiting for Cara?"

"For you to stop processing."

"Then stop me." Kahlan teased. Cara reached across, pulled Kahlans head to the bars, and kissed her feverishly. She awkwardly removed one arm from the back of Kahlans head, back to her own side, and slid it down the bars, bringing it round to Kahlan's ass. Cara pulled Kahlan onto the bars, her legs fitting in the gaps, as her sex pressed onto a bar.

Dahlia watched them from the staircase above them, her purt lips quivering. She watched Cara slip her hand round the front of her Mistress, and push down the leather there, exposing Kahlan's already wet sex. It made Dahlia's own dampen. She brushed her own hand down her leather clad body, flatly palming herself. She watched them a while longer, until she couldn't take it anymore and Kahlan looked on the verge, then she sauntered down the staircase, into Kahlan's view.

"Lord Rahl sent me."

"You are not taking her." Cara turned, protesting, defending.

"Good, because he wants you." Dahlia smiled at Cara, then looked past her to Kahlan. "Shall I take her Mistress." Kahlan nodded. Dahlia came down the rest of the steps, unlocking the door.

"You have to go Cara, see what he wants with you, see if you can find out where Richard is in this place, you can take anything he gives you." Cara nodded, proud.

mord'sith, femslash, fanfiction, legend of the seeker, mother confessor, cara/kahlan

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