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princessatta November 9 2009, 17:10:41 UTC
BTW - Did you know folks are using your icons over on the official USA Network forums. A few people had them and when asked by others who loved them and really wanted to know where they got them, they said they came up in a Google search via the Monk Fans community. Thought you might like to know that you're famous :)

Anyways, not to mention, I think we're supposed to assume also that Monk has been up all night completely anxious. Given the way he's just sitting there. So, how Natalie was able to put stick it notes all over the place is in itself a mystery...

I like his Nat induced smile ^^

29 - I'll say! It's like, no wonder the Captain keeps giving all those looks. Yes, I've often thought Ted might be a shipper too. Or at least Leland thinks something's going on. Because why else would he say things like "You're this close to losing that girl" by comparing Monk to himself in losing *her name escapes me* his wife.

Yay! The bell of declaration. Makes me want to watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2...

55 - Thanks for getting it! It's obvious to see the changes in Monk, but Natalie is definitely different from when she started on the show. She's come a long way from rough around the edges, single mother, working in a bar, all because of a estranged relationship with her parents and their money. Now she's extremely supportive, still single but able to be there for Julie more (now if only Julie would be there for her instead of her disappearing act) not to mention having given Julie somewhat of a father figure in Monk, clearly not working in a bar and I don't think she'd ever go back, and now she goes to family reunions gladly and invites Monk to go with her (far cry from taking Randy instead).

62 - I can see where it *could* be the ultimate twist, but given that the series has to wrap up in 2 episodes, it's just not possible. Besides the Captain being the total opposite of who would have done it, it would also send Monk into another breakdown. If the writers had intended for it to be someone that major, they should have really made the finale much longer than just 2 episodes! And of course it also helps not to make an episode like "Mr. Monk is the Best Man." Really, fans? Really? You still think it's the Captain? Hahaha.

95 - I know a lot of people are arguing about whether this episode was made before or after Sharona and they're arguing about whether or not Sharona was supposed to be the 3rd to last episode. The Monk "experts" (more like ruthless snobs) over on the USA Boards claim that Sharona was never meant to be the last episode before the finale and that it was filmed before the last 3 before the finale. Well, I disagree (although I'd be almost mauled like the psycho smiler for saying so over there). The "Goes Camping" episode was CLEARLY made before "Sharona" because there were clips of it in the pre-season teaser trailer. And one of those "experts" had a list of the order episodes were supposed to air (the expert has a website and so gets press releases easily), but now that person denies ever having released such a list >_< Anyways, I wish people would understand that just because an episode is filmed prior to another one, it doesn't mean it's not written in such a way that it's supposed to air in a different order than it's filmed. Maybe Bitty was only available during that time so they had to work on it first. Sorry, for ranting here, lol. Guess I'm just agreeing that this episode did seem like a great set up for Randy to be with Sharona. Rant off.


shemp_o2stk November 9 2009, 17:54:01 UTC
I did not know this, I've never been on the forums there, you didn't paint a pleasant picture of it, so I hope they're all as awesome as you the other users of the icons.

They should stop by and say "hi" at least.

I had thought about him being up all night anxious too, which boggled the mind at how she got into his stuff... maybe she sent him out to buy cleaning supplies. *gg*

I think his first wife was called Karen or Linda, or the one who was a murderer was... or maybe neither names are the women in Leland's life, hey he's got Trudy now :D

55- Perfect! *you read my mind*

62 - did you read the theory that it was Monk, and that he blacked out and doesn't remember killing Trudy. That would be a sad ending. I honestly have no clue and don't really want to ponder, just let the show tell me. I'm having too much fun watching this show to mull over a killer... I'll leave it to the "fans" who dislike Leland. (again he's too cuddly and nice, but do the "fans" see him different from how i see him?)

THANK YOU! How on earth was this meant to be after Sharona, I'm glad someone else is treating these as prequels to her episode.

Production order and air order can often be different, especially since producers can be juggling 3 episodes at once. I'm not sure why they made the edit in Sharona when she saw the photo of TK (well other than they decided to air it early) so i guess I wanna know why they aired it early...

Leland hasn't had a wedding ring on yet, but in Sharona he did. 'Nuff said :D


princessatta November 9 2009, 19:38:16 UTC
The ones who use them, use the Monk/Natalie ones, so yes, they're cool :) I don't mean to paint it as absolutely horrible, only close to being absolutely horrible. I suppose it's my fault for staying over there, but there are some cool people I like to interact with. It's all the "expert" anti-shippers who want to interject as rudely as possible on any mention of Monk and Natalie as delusional that drive me to think that Monk fans can be the most stubborn, close-minded, evil people one will ever meet on the web. Wow, it's almost like I've had that statement saved up for an occasion such as this...

Or, maybe Natalie pulled out her ninja outfit from "The Leper" and she sneaked around Mr. Monk's apartment while he was doing various things. OOH! Or maybe she turned on the Animal Planet right before she was about to leave causing him to black out just long enough for her to do what she had to. *shifty eyes* Of course during the black out he must have not noticed the crooked frame.

Yep, it's Karen! Thanks. And the girlfriend was Linda.

62 - Here's all the major theories:

A. It's the Captain.
B. It was Monk.
C. Trudy is still alive and in witness protection hence her statement "Bread and Butter" as a clue to Monk to let him know she's alive and to come find him. If that's the case, epic fail, Monk, epic fail.
D. Along with being alive and in Witness Protection, Natalie IS Trudy following reconstructive surgery via Witness Protection. Julie is just an adopted daughter and the Mitch story was fabricated in order to make it all realistic. (In the words of little Brian Willis: Somebody kill me.)
E. It was Dale The Whale (wow...such a stretch of the imagination...despite the fact that he's not even in the script for the finale to anyone's knowledge).
F. It was Janice Ellinghouse.
G. It was Mitch. (Maybe he's angry that someone fabricated his marriage to Natalie...)
H. It was the police commissioner.
I. It was a Naval cover up of a story Trudy was working on that would expose major corruption (possible drug/weapons smuggling perhaps). Somewhere around a few months to a year later, Mitch also found out about the corruption-possibly even the murder of Trudy- and was killed before being able to go forward with what he knew. His cause of death was then fabricated when they had to put it down for the record and let Natalie know. Those who prescribe to this theory also believe that it's possible because in "Voodoo Curse" Natalie says the priestess warned that Mitch was in danger, but not the actual cause of his death. Maybe she was warning about his in danger of being murdered, not shot down. Those who prescribe to this theory also believe that Lt. Albright was either involved in the murder/cover up of Mitch or that he will have a final clue to offer to both Trudy's/Mitch's cases.
J. It was all just a dream. Monk will wake up, possibly from a coma after a serious accident on duty, and Trudy will still be there right by his side when he wakes up. Sharona and Natalie will both have been the nurses taking care of Monk during his coma (or they will be neighbors should he have just been asleep). Those who prescribe to this theory believe that Monk's blacking out moments and his feeling as though he's been sleep walking all these years are indications of a psychological occurrence in the brain which point to his going in and out of semi-consciousness.

So, you see, this is why fans really need to take your advice and just stop trying to figure it out. For me, I look at it this way: It had to be somebody, right?

To my knowledge, they aired it early to be a good lead in for White Collar.

And actually, Leland's not the only one wearing a ring if you notice. Another fan pointed out that Nat's got a huge ring on her left hand at the beginning, but then it magically moves to her right hand the rest of the time. Of course, shippers of all ships are going crazy trying to figure that one out :P


shemp_o2stk November 9 2009, 20:37:56 UTC
Very happy thers Adrialie shippers there, I hope you've been spreading the shipper name there :D

A- god no
B- god no
C- hey, i watch "in plain sight" i dont want crossovers here (tho this weeks episode where the crime scene was in front of a us marshalls van made me think of mary and marshall)

D- *burst of hysterical laughter to tears* /me bits on my top so I don't sound like a crazy person laughing at the computer. "well that's just stupid" - sounding like Leland.

E- if it had have been him it would be too obvious, he's known leads for Monk but it would be like "so it really was him who hired 6fingered dude... and?" meh let down... *starts laughing at the natalie is trudy, and trudy is natalie.. they're one and the same *feels like spike's about to hit me*

G- ow laughter because of the fabrication of a marriage to Nat, im sorry where do these fans come from who come up with this.. do they watch the same show as me...?

This sorta stuff is plausible on other shows, but Monk...? No, sorry no.

J- i've read something similar... "and it was all a dream" what a cop (no pun) out!

And re- the ring, i totally thought there was ring issues with her, then i blamed.. well me and my adrialie shippyness for it, but its the sorta thing that to me is a continuity error, if it was on the same finger all episode, then i'd go with theories, but if it moved, then thats Traylor mucking that up in my mind.

Ahhh! thankies for that, the White Collar info, I aint given that a try yet? Thumbs up or down from you? (I am planning on watching it just gonna watch a few eps at once, once Monk has finished, I've got too many tv shows on the go atm)

Its kinda sad that they had to air Monk funky, a show thats a big hit on their network, to get people watching as a lead in to a new show. :(

Gods this isn't Nip/Tuck, its no Ryan Murphy show. (on one of his, popular, glee or N/T these would make sense in that context...)


princessatta November 9 2009, 21:31:46 UTC
Actually, yes. The Adrialie name is being used over there and not by just me.

C - Not to mention, Trudy would be blind seeing as in "Up All Night" Maria the taxi driver had Trudy's eyes O_o Or was that Trudy too? Man, she's getting good. Not only can she be walking right there with Monk as Natalie, but she can also walk past Monk as Maria.

D. Hahaha! That is just stupid like Leland would say! It's like really? Why on earth would Trudy BE Natalie or vice versa? If it turns out that people somehow guessed this right, I will lose all respect for the series in one fail swoop.

E. Most everyone who watches the series faithfully agrees. They can't agree on who the real killer is (clearly) but they all don't think or want it to be Dale after all this time.

G. :P I couldn't resist the snarky comment. I mean, what would have been Mitch's motive? I can most certainly see the two deaths being connected if the Naval cover up theory happens to be right. I mean, the writers may have decided to add Mitch's death as a connection after they created Natalie as a new character. BUT, there's just no way Mitch did it. Chances are, he was already in South Carolina at the time of Trudy's death! So to answer your question, no, I don't think other fans are watching the same show.

J. Then again, given all of the other theories (perhaps with the exception of the Naval cover up), this one just might be the less painful should any of these be true, lol. But I agree, it would be the easy way out and it would make the series pointless. The point was to solve Trudy's murder, not wake up and find out she was never murdered. The same goes for if Trudy is alive...and Natalie *laughs like crazy again*

Oh forgot to mention along the Mitch lines. There's also the theory that Mitch is still alive AND that Natalie has been hiding him. Oh my my. Some people should just seriously stick to fanfiction.

I'm not one to read too much into it at this point. Unless it reappears this Friday. If it does, everyone will be assuming that she's secretly engaged to Lt. Albright...as that is the most common theory based on the ring as is. Until then, it's just a wardrobe malfunction.

As for White Collar, I've watched it, but not really watched it. When it was on, I would be paying more attention to the post-Monk discussions going on at the USA Boards. But it seems kind of good from the bits and pieces I've paid attention to.


shemp_o2stk November 9 2009, 23:19:03 UTC
Good to hear, about the shipper name. They spent way too long without one, glad its caught on.

C- *doi!* I hadn't thought about that, wow and thats one of my all time fav eps... cause I go al mushy at the end.

Yes all along Natalie has been blind, and has just never let on. I mean does anyone seriously believe she had surgery and turned into Natalie? Wouldn't Monk have picked up on Trudy-ness of her by now.

I mean on sci-fi shows when there's a bodyswap ep, the person closest to them eventually figures it out... which is all plausible within their universes, but again not in this shows.

D- Right there with ya, I won't write off the whole show or anything but be in a state of denial and much loss, like I felt at the end of The L Word, so cheated, stunned, I probably cried, hit something thinking it was Chaiken's head, and felt sick. Monk don't do this to me.

And since Tony says as of now the final 2 eps are his favourite I'm hoping he's not a liar.

E- Good that fans are still making sense, I was losing all faith after reading the theories, but if it had been Dale its going to hit a bum note for me, I want it to be unexpected, nothing I would ever see coming and nobody thats been in these theories.

G- LOL to peeps not watching the same show as us. From writers and producers podcasts they used to want to bring Mitch back, and said he was M.I.A and not dead. Plus one of them posed as Mitch in photographs, so they were just gonna play him... but I think too much time has past, and Nat keeps saying he's dead so I'll take it as he's dead. (because I don't want him to turn up when Monks proposing for financial reasons.) but they've never ever EVER hinted that Natalie knows anything about him maybe being alive, still I think its something they've dropped.

White Collar sounds promising *gg* seeing as it can hold your attention so well :D


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