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princessatta October 25 2009, 22:17:27 UTC
That's why I didn't continue. I can respect that :)

Yeah, I seriously hope that in the camping one he mentions it. I mean, both he and Monk could talk about her or something. Or maybe, since she said she'd be back, Randy might be all excited about her coming (unseen of course) in a few days. If not, it would make for a great fic! As for her really coming back for the very end, there's some speculation that she will be there and that the writers are keeping it hush hush. But honestly, I'm not holding my breath that it's anything more than a rumor and false hope.

It's no fun without all of the reading into things! It's like the people who were shocked about Shandy. If they'd been paying close enough attention and looking at things like we do, they would have seen the signs!

And yeah, I was definitely trying to read their reactions throughout the episode. I think that's another reason this one is one of my faves already. Actually, when Sharona asks "How do you put up with him?" Natalie smiles and looks down almost a little too sheepishly like she wants to admit why she puts up with him.


shemp_o2stk October 26 2009, 00:14:36 UTC
I get upset over spoilers, Im a big kid. There was no way I wasnt going to find out about Sharona coming back, but I can only imagine if i sat and watched the episode not knowing she was coming back. I may have died of awesomeness, more than i already was... then again I would have NOT had 'my sharona' playing in my head for what seems like forever.
Thats a plus.

Its a shame there's too many tv viewers who watch a show, then forget about it instantly or simply don't care. why watch then? good tv should be interactive, thats why we have LJ, and fanfic and fanvids, oh how i love watching monk fanvids on youtube :D

"How do you put up with him?" - totally agree with you, and Sharona breaks Nat's thoughts with the love thing, which Nat avoids and moves onto apologizing to Sharona.

ooh another thing i thought through the ep, when Adrian says he's been at Trudy's grave figurativly for 12 years and then Nat's like "come home" my shippy heart melted. would have loved to see them cooking for him too :)


princessatta October 26 2009, 00:26:26 UTC
I'm a weird one. I actually get more excited to see something after reading a spoiler. Honestly, I don't get it. Ever since I was really little, I'd read interviews or watch behind the scenes specials and would then, let's say with a movie as an example, want to rush out and watch it the very next day.

It's funny you should mention that. I've been over on YouTube uploading a fanmix trailer, lol. WHILE also simultaneously working on a new fanmix I hope to have posted later tonight and while also working on a Monk fanvideo. Yes...maybe I'm taking interaction to an unhealthy level...

Ooh, I like the way you describe that. Definitely see it as Sharona breaking the previous thought pattern. Didn't make that connection. But she definitely wants to change the subject I think. It would explain why she scrunches her nose.

Right! And I love that after they show the tombstone, the first thing you see is JUST Natalie blurry in the background. I don't know, but that just makes me squee too because it feels like symbolic or something.


shemp_o2stk October 26 2009, 01:54:04 UTC
did you listen to this yet? http://video.usanetwork.com/player/?id=1168997

I'm two sides of a coin like that, i can on instinct know i want to see a movie without much info, and afterwards want to know as much as i can about it, go to IMDB after i see a movie to rate and chat about it all the time.. or other forums.

but then other times, and i dont know why i do the opposite and want to know as much as i can beforehand.

I just have a problem, a bit, when i'm at the cinema watching a kids film (ickle sister remember lol) and some kid behind me will go "ooh this is the bit where..." and say whats about to happen in the next scene... why? because of some "movie special" on tv that shows you the movie.

Lots of times I wont watch trailers, but you need to see them to know what to see... again i go on instinct, and i call my instinct.. "who is in it?" - i'm that lazy, i will see almost anything if someone i like is in it, or has written/directed it.

It's not unhealthy at all, and send a link over when your done please, i'd love to see them.

awwww *thinks of a cute sharona nose scrunch* yep probs thinks she is hitting too close, not going to get anywhere... moves on.

Oh i took it to be good direction, in shipping. I think, i'm sure i made an icon for it. I mean look at the number of icons there is, theres gotta be one of the blurry Nat in the background. Looked so perfect, I swear Trudy will come to him in a dream and tell him to be happy....with Nat. wishful thinking? maybe, but im sure theres a fanfic out there already with that in it. LOL


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shemp_o2stk October 26 2009, 05:01:45 UTC
Maybe they had somehow seen it several times already but most likely had seen the trailers and movie specials so much before the movie.

My sister though corrects me on quotes all the time, either she is annoying or is at that annoying age when I will quote or telling a story and she will go "No they said/no thats not how it happened..."

Thankies for the link, will check that out now..."You're this close to losing that girl" (from Mr. Monk On Wheels) awwwwwwwwwwwwww did you notice Monk said he was losing Nat in the talk Leland had with him in 810... plus i loved the line about Nat "she won't lay down in the dirt when i ask her... I'm losing her."


princessatta October 26 2009, 02:43:36 UTC
No, I haven't. I need to check that out. Thanks.

I understand. Sometimes I go on instinct and other times not. I'm pretty particular :P But I can totally understand the brat factor of any movie. I know I was just like them, but it actually amazes me how kids can know so much about movies prior to seeing them! Unless, you know, they've already seen it. I once went to see Freaky Friday two days after opening it, and I swear there were girls two rows behind me quoting along! It was crazy.

I actually just posted the new fanmix link and two fanvideos over in the Monk community. Here's the fanmix link: http://community.livejournal.com/jjtower/4349.html

I was hoping it was intentional directing actually. You did make one and it was gorgeous. SO not wishful thinking. Okay, maybe. But it's one of the things I've wanted for the longest time, especially after Trudy advised him to close the office. Many fanfics about that actually.


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