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shemp_o2stk October 25 2009, 21:07:52 UTC
"the closet gif - I saw her look too. Like she was, "oh, I see what's going on here. Now I get why you're being so jealous/defensive/paranoid/add other insults here :P"

she looks up and down at them, sly looks to her side, and if you look closly she is mouthing something, maybe she is praying they wont get killed, i dunno, but sharona is muttering something.

trending on twitter is so odd, im gonna go and have a look see now...

wow #itshouldbelegal is still number 1, LOL and followed by what my family is watching, all X-Factor related things. meh.

my sister probably dont know what ships are, i've had to explain them to many people when i say things like "Shenny or Xanya etc." its a total geek thing, that helps you identify others like us when you can use these words in everyday conversation and they are like "AHH! I totally ship them too!" *hugs* but she is coming around to internet terms, and does the FTW! arms when things are awesome. (her last time was when we told her Tracey Beaker is getting a new series, a kids show she LOVES)

re-randy/sharona i've always shipped them, and never shipped randy/nat.. i see them more like brother&sister, he's the annoying kid brother lol. so GO WRITERS!

oooh interview, a link please? or was it on the monk website, one of those ones you can watch?


princessatta October 25 2009, 21:40:56 UTC
I *think* she was saying "ohmigod" over and over really fast.

Haha, I remember explaining shipping to my sister, mom AND dad. My dad is all for Monk and Natalie too. My sister was for Randy and Sharona and my mom is just pretty much clueless to anything.

ME TOO! I've always, always, always shipped them. That was why I could never, in a million years, even if there was chemistry, ever ship Randy/Natalie. Randy and Sharona were made for each other. OMG! Just caught something when watching another clip of the episode on megavideo. When Natalie, Sharona, Randy and Leland start having their big ol' fight, Randy turns and tells Sharona (it's hard to make out over everyone else) something along the lines of "What were you thinking? You could have easily gotten yourself killed!" Awwwwwwww. Proof that he was already looking out for her!

It's just a super long transcript from a phone call interview. Here's the link that I've got: http://nicegirlstv.com/ngtv-interview-transcripts/tony-shalhoub-and-bitty-schram-monk/

And here's the specific part:

C. Nyholm Hi again. My question is really for both of you. Is there ever any thought of making the relationships more than friendship and turning them romantic - with both Sharona and with Natalie?

T. Shalhoub Any thought on my part or on the writers’ part?

C. Nyholm On the writers.

B. Schram We came close, Tony. There was some - Tony, remember when we had to kind of try to kiss or something and …

T. Shalhoub We were posing as a married couple. Yes.

C. Nyholm I think I remember that one.

B. Schram That was funny.

T. Shalhoub That was good. I don’t want to answer that too directly because some of the upcoming episodes start to speak to that. And I wouldn’t want to reveal anything prematurely.

C. Nyholm Thank you.


shemp_o2stk October 25 2009, 22:29:31 UTC
Huge thankies for the link and the section from the interview, the diffrence with that was there wasnt an actual romantic relationship between sharona and adrian in that ep, just great to see him uncomfortable and her uncomfortable on the floor.

I hope what he mentions isnt the shandy coupling and is Adrialie.

Its interesting how he says, what he thinks or the writers... does he ship them? and the writers have never officially went there because that kills tv shows? and its better to be subtext than to be text. i enjoy looking for adrialie love more than i would enjoy a whole season of them actually together, its like a secret code between the writers and shippy fans :D

re- the closet, is it me or can monk make jokes now? he never used to have a sense of humour, like in Happy Birthday, Mr. Monk he tried to make a joke about persperation to the fake inventor... and he also said "affair" instead of "extra-marital sex affair" like he usually does this episode. bless him he's getting there...slowly.

When my family watched my season 6 dvds got all "ooh!" over Adrialie in the last few eps, the bank one especially. Nat LOVED him in that uniform. (and lol to your clueless mom)

My sister likes the show, its hard to make her watch anything, it took till she was 8 or 9 till she would watch Buffy all the way through. (she was too young to remember it when it was aired, esp since she was born in 1998) but mainly she wonders how my mom and I love Adrian, she says "but he's so old!"

Re- the 4-way fight, i listened to it over and over to zone in on each character this is what i sort of got

Randy - why were you there in the first place, you couldve gotten yourself killed. (to nat) what? why did you let him do that...*something i cant hear over sharona* (maybe "your meant to look out/after him *shrug*)

Nat - How many cases has Mr. Monk solved, really? Where were you? Mr. Monk had a hunch (something about the closet) oh stop it!

Leland - the point is we wernt there, these people couldve easily gotten hurt, mr. monks hunch is gonna get...Monk! Monk! what do you think?

Sharona (the hardest to hear, sounds a lot like screeching, all i get is... SCREECH! uncle... uncle, my uncle...screech) it dont help i cant read her lips with the way she's standing :(

hope that is some help, though i doubt it :(


princessatta October 25 2009, 22:48:00 UTC
Well, I'm hopeful that it's not just Shandy but actually both because he says "episodes" which means there will be multiple happenings. With Sharona not reappearing again, then we can *almost* safely assume that he meant both couples. Of course, he's not necessarily saying that it will happen either. Just that the idea will be addressed one way or another. That's what I got from it anyways.

Actually...I'm 98 percent positive that Tony Shalhoub is a shipper and that it explains the added chemistry to the characters. I think he purposely adds stuff (I know he sometimes adlibs scenes) for the ship. But that's just my opinion. And in just about every interview I can recall, he very happily mentions Monk and Natalie's relationship. I still have the video from his live chat prior to Mr. Monk is On The Run Pt. 2 and remember how giddy he appeared to get when talking about how he believed there would be more movement between Monk and Natalie in the future. Again, he said that was his opinion though and that he couldn't speak for the writers. In fact, re-the uniform thing in season 6, Tony Shalhoub said it was one of his favorite episodes and he went into detail about how Natalie absolutely adores Monk in uniform, hehehe.

It definitely helps! I just love that Randy was all "You could have gotten yourself killed." So sweet. And I think Randy does say something like "You're supposed to watch him" to Natalie.


shemp_o2stk October 26 2009, 01:35:50 UTC
98% LOL, I swear I've read interviews where he says he was adding the subtext to the Adrian/Nat relationship... well we picked up on it :D i should save these interviews.

Plus the link to the phone interview it seems clear when he says do they want his opinion on it or the writers... sadly they dont say both... and ask for the writers opinions.

I've read from the writers and in commentary's where they say they write the lines, and then Tony will turn a few simple lines into this big Monk-ism... so i dont see why he doesn't for the adrialie love :)

Do you know any info on Traylor's thoughts on the relationship between monk and natalie, all ive ever watched is from when she first started on the show, and its got to have progressed from then.


princessatta October 26 2009, 02:26:27 UTC
Yep, I think I remember something like that too. I need to save mine too :P

Yeah, I know. They always ask him what the writers want and never him. Sigh.

Well, I don't have the link off hand, but I have a quote from Traylor. This was way back in between seasons 7 and 8 so her thoughts may have progressed even further:

"I think there are a lot of different opinions on that one," said Ms. Howard. "Some people want it and others can't envision it. I don't know if I can. But it's hard for me to imagine them without each other."


shemp_o2stk October 26 2009, 02:31:42 UTC
I know in the end he has to act out what the writes write, but to know what goes through the actors head re-the nat relationship adds so much weight to it all. Esp for us shippers, if we know he is thinking the same as us, and adding the sub-text, then we are seeing it as he wants it to be seen.

Thanks for the quote, its at least nice to see she is aware of it, I swear with some show they mention relationships the fans like to actors and they are shocked and are like "wow never see that."


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