#16 fuck east, i'm going ROGUE

Aug 27, 2010 15:32

I am back from that place 5 provinces away. It only take 4 hours to fly most of the way across the country. That's pretty cool.

We took a bus tour all over the town the first day we got there, went to this castle that some guy built in 1911 called Casa Loma, which was gorgeous. On the second day we went to the CN tower and the museum, which was AWESOME. Their exhibits were wicked, so many old old things. Lots of oriental art from 8000 years ago, lots of dinosaur skeletons that were hundreds of millions of years old, etc. That was really sweet. On the third day we went to Niagra falls on a bus tour that took us all over the country side, very pretty. I am really stoked we went to the falls, we took the maid of the mist right into the spray from the falls, and obviously I went off the falls in a barrel with no regards for the consequences. I am fine.

So yeah, it was pretty awesome. Pretty happy to be back in B.C. though, I've gotta say. I really wanna explore right now. Sigh, have to go to work on Monday. BLEH!

12,000-year-old-dung: "It is the pride of Toronto."

Here is a super touristy picture at Niagra Falls.

And here I am on a boat by the falls. With a cool plastic coat.

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