Greek salad is the greatest easy foodstuff sometimes. So salty and veggie and yummy. Yeah, I ate some feta cheese. Not vegan, but I don't buy it often. Then again I do frequently buy cheddar cheese. I don't think I am prepared to give that up.
Soy "chicken" nuggets, on the other hand, are delicious. Mmmm. I don't miss meat at all.
I listened to lots of
This American Life today at work, it's such a great podcast. If you're ever bored and need something to listen to, I definitely recommend this show. They pick themes and develop little stories around them and talk to real people and stuff. It's crazy. The last one was about hostages, literal and sort of metaphorical. One of the stories for that was about how in Columbia there are so many kidnappings that they have a radio station specifically for relatives of kidnapping victims to send out messages on the air, in the hopes that their loved ones will hear them. Another was about a man who had a weird form of narcolepsy where he wouldn't necessarily fall asleep, but his body would release the chemical that keeps your body from acting out your dreams, every time he got happy or felt joy or enthusiasm. SO SAD. It's an excellent show though. The Parent Trap is also a great episode. But there are many, many excellent ones.
God, I've watched Avatar so many times lately. It's a good study movie, apparently. I don't even think it's a FANTASTIC movie or anything, I just happened to download it because I felt like seeing it again, and while I was studying for my midterm it became my default background noise. Very weird.
Speaking of movies, I saw Robin Hood. I really liked it; lots of people were complaining to me about how it's not the "real" Robin Hood story. Well, no. It isn't. But that's kind of fine with me, because the story that they did tell was a good one, and it still was the Robin Hood tale, just taking place BEFORE he was quite an outlaw. I really enjoyed it, so I'd recommend it if you're on the fence about it.
I feel like I'm on the brink of passing out ALL THE TIME lately. I think from exhaustion mostly, I eat enough and I'm not sick or anything, but I haven't been getting enough sleep so I feel like it's hard for me to stay awake any time I'm seated. It sucks. I really have to resist the urge to get energy drinks, urrrrgh.