Heyer Guide

Aug 21, 2005 18:34

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Thanks Shem!!!! legrandeval August 23 2005, 16:41:50 UTC
Thank you Shem. Brilliant synopsis. Have printed down to refer to.

I keep on re-reading the books. Different ones for different moods and stress levels - plus different memories linked to different books.

Also, keep two (almost full sets) so if the mood takes me at parents I know I have a copy of whatever Heyer I fancy. Mum is also an Heyer-head. She and her best friend from Uni built up impressive collection between them and because Auntie P’s daughter and my sister do not indulge I have inherited collection, which I have added to. She’s still gloating because I (stupidly) turned my nose up at GH for years (how wrong I was).

So cheap to collect second hand - turned into hobby obsession at Uni. Most of the copies I own are the Pan paperbacks from the 1960s - some of them are such brilliant colours nad the illustrations are quite good too.

Different books remind me of different things:

An Infamous Army - Dad knew I wanted but could not lay hands on second hand copy so ordered specially and presented as good luck prezzie for ( ... )


Re: Thanks Shem!!!! shemmelle August 23 2005, 21:20:45 UTC
Rule/Lethbridge...omg yes.

As I said I adore the tension between those too...

(Though A Quiet Gentleman has been spoiled for me by subtext ;) )


Kissing cousins? legrandeval August 24 2005, 09:14:28 UTC
Cannot stant what's her name. So glad Gervase saw worth of non spoilt ordinary girl.


Re: Thanks Shem!!!! jcscot August 30 2005, 15:25:34 UTC
The Toll-Gate - disjointed yes but still love. Think because I saw potential for Toll-Gate/Pride & Prejudice crossover. I failed in writing process but still do like.

I still have the notes we made for that story (we were going to collaborate) as well as the copy you sent me. *grin* I am still tempted to try and make something of it - although the copyright for Heyer is still valid, so posting it would be a problem.


Weeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.... legrandeval September 6 2005, 13:31:02 UTC
We could do it just for fun between us and not post.

Plus, if you can tell me how to write an angst filled guy out of a hotel bathroom I'd like to know (he's hiding from wife in bedroom cos he almost cheated on her). Every time I go to do it it's just too lame and am in trouble for not getting on with story.


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