U know it isnt harmful for people to wonder things sometimes, media is what makes us think these weird things. Just because some people would like to believe that things could be different from this everyday life. I dont get why you think that is so bad? And the point is ben, what if...as in WHAT IF? Not this is life, we arnt saying we have discovered some amazing unknown truths, were saying what if, and if u dont like it then dont read it. and if u have nothing nice to say in future on here then dont comment, afterall thats why i dont comment on u.
Comments 50
it would be too easy for that to be real.
i spent loadsa time in different units and its so normal in there that its freaky =|
what if stupid people that think theyre clever are actually clever, and all us smart people are just stupid.
yes. to the fucking max.
or even betta....heaven and hell is earth and we either are living in a life of luxery=heaven or living a bad misserable life=hell
thats one for you to think about.
you stop being so paranoid.
and accept that this is life.
nothing more.
nothing less.
what you see is what you get.
get over it.
you have not discovered some amazing unknown truths.
god, people who think they do so just annoy me.
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