May 23, 2009 02:06
Friday, May 6th, 2005 was the day we found Buddy on the steps of the Borders Books by our house. We took him home because he was starving and he was so sweet. Scott was going to take him but ended up not being able to. I don't think we ever really intended on keeping him initially but Kristofor got attached to him pretty quickly and that was that. Once he started eating he filled out into a HUGE, muscular, beautiful cat and then he got sick. I don't know exactly when it happened but he ended up losing almost all of his fur and losing a ton of weight. We took him to different vets and a cat dermatologist. We fed him special food, special water, tons of different medicines. We dipped him in sulfur and lime (the chemical, not the fruit) every weekend for a month. By the way, dipping a cat in sulfur and lime is probably what you have to do in the 7th circle of hell. Eventually there just wasn't anything else to try and so we decided to wait and watch.
Buddy was the sweetest cat I've ever known. When you'd go outside to see him he'd get so excited. His tail would shake like a rattle and he would run up to you meowing and purring. He loved to be held like a baby on his back in your arms and would fall asleep like that. He like to ride around on Kristofor shoulder like a parrot. He was a sweetheart.
Eventually his health got so bad that he was in a lot of pain and he started having a lot of trouble walking. When I started having to pick him up and take him the litterbox and set his food next to him on his bed we realized that it was time to put him down. Friday, May 8th, 2009 we held Buddy as he died. We miss him terriblly.