Jan 25, 2009 04:16
I loveeeee it when a guy puts his hand on the small of my back...i don't know why but it drives me crazzzy....this semester has started out to be pretty wild, drinking all the time, even on the weekdays....but this weekend, i had a nice break from all that. until tonight but even then, i had all night friday and all day saturday....it was nice, to just chill...i had time to watch the netflix movies i had been meaning to watch lol...and partying tonight was fun, i drank just the right amount and the people were chill....i did not get a hand on the small of my back but i wish...next weekend there's a superbowl party and the weekend after that is gasperilla...it should be fun...i can't wait to see Melisa, i miss that girl! I'm glad to have something to look forward to...and i'm torn for Springbreak...i wanna go to miami cause i haven't been in forever but i also want to go to PC because i don't know when else i'll be able to go home...i'm spending the summer in Tampa. i guess i'll just have to figure it out, whatever i do i know it'll be awesome. <3