RIP, Oscar

Feb 01, 2010 16:02


You were such a good, sweet boy.

I remember riding home with you from the breeder in Tuscon, this little brindle bit of a thing who'd eventually turn into 75 pounds of muscle and energy. How happy Ali was to see you!

I remember how much you loved your toys, how a Nylabone could keep you entertained for hours. The only thing you loved more was us.

Remember when you thought Petey's Zoom Groom brush was a toy? You tried to play with it, and then stood there staring at me for 20 minutes after I stuffed it under the chair cushion, because I didn't feel like getting up ...

How much Joey and Gaelen adored you, and Kate too.

How good you were when Gaelen's nephew crawled across your hips that night - you just looked up and waited to be told what to do, and you'd never been around babies before.

How you always had to be on the bed, surgically reconstructed hind leg or no. Thank goodness Mark was there to help get all four on the floor again.

Rest well, my gentle giant. I'm going to miss you so much.

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