Smallville season 6
WHat the hell happened?
Kind of enjoyed watching the series overall yet it bothers me and leaves a vague feeling that I should not have enjoyed it.
The series as a whole was bitty and scrappy, stories left hanging, and characters that seemed utterly incapable of maintaining a common character trait. Each time there seemed to be a promising story arc or series of characters introduced then they were gone again. I have the nagging feeling that they may have just gone round an office and said 'okay who wants to write the next episode?' because continuity wise it even made Charmed seem impressive *rotf*
So many characters really lost the plot in S6...
Psycho murdering Lex?
Martyr Lana?
Romantic Lionel?
Probably the weakest season to date overall IMO. Probably Chloe's strongest season which was good to see but the Jimmy Olsen character needs to go (in preferably as gruesome and painful a way as possible).