Oct 15, 2007 16:30
So bid and won a copy of the Nightmare Before Christmas on ebay and it came in the mail today.
One of the special features on the disc included some of the short movies that Tim Burton has written and directed.
One of them was called Frankenweenie. It was about this kid named Victor Frankenstein who brought his dead dog back to life. It was just so weird and funny at the same time.
This just shows how much a Psychology nerd I am because there was one scene where he was reading books about death and using electricity to bring things back to life and one of the books on the pile was "On Death and Dying" by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross which is actually a very famous Psychology book. If you haven't heard of the title, you have probably heard about the 5 stages of grief when dying: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.
Anyways, I am such a dork.
I feel like I am rambling, but this movie made me think about the whole Frankenstein sotry. I mean, the ultimate moral of the story is to not try and play G-d. The way the main character does this is by bringing things back to life with the use of electricity. In every movie I have seen, this is not seen as a good thing by the villagers. They storm the castle wanting to destroy the monster.
What do you think Mary Shelley (the author of Frankenstein) would think about (can't think of the name offhand) those paddles doctors use to restart the heart? You know, when they shock them and beforehand say "clear!"?
Anyways, just something to think about.