A reading journal

Apr 03, 2005 17:16

It seems safest to start with principal characters, and a little bit of setting. My name is Katrina. For further info on me, check my bio. My friend Catherine D. got me into this, but that's as far as I will let the blame go. Any faults in presentation or web courtesy are mine entirely; sometimes I'd rather blunder through and learn than ask for help.

This is a place where I want to share my thoughts about what I read, and to learn from other people who love books. I am a writer; I write to stay sane. I believe in the power of story to heal, to uplift, to inspire, and to challenge. I believe we read and write fiction to find truth. If you nail me down to my deepest fear, the word I hate the most is “elitist.”

I'll post reviews on books, fiction or non-fiction, that catch my heart and/or my head, and will probably spill out the occasional rant about whatever interest is dragging me through the research mode this time 'round. Replies studded with information, shared appreciation, and frustration are all welcome. And nothing gets me through a hard week like a simple “hey there.”

A note on posting replies: From draft to draft, I advocate meeting with spell-check and the Elements of Style, but don’t worry about double-editing here. We’re all in a big, messy, mind-blowing conversation, and I, for one, don’t want to be left out because of the typos.

Safe journey, all.

Katrina L. MacWhirter
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