One more meme, since I'm having a "can't choose what to review" type weekend. This one was passed on by Cate, yet again. I'll even throw in some live journal cuts, just to be kind.
1.) When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at?
My teeth. They are all a little too perfect, now that my bridge is done, and they are also slightly larger then they used to be, which still throws me off.
2.) How much cash do you have on you right now?
$17.35. Just enough to buy coffees for co-workers throughout the week, and pick up one case of diet lime to stave off my hunger. Payday is next Friday.
3.) What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"?
West. Where I belong. Where the nights are short and the girls are long... wait, I'm remembering that wrong...
4.) Favourite plant?
Seaweed. The kind that catches your ankles in murky water and makes you sweat in fear of the mythic giant squid...
5.)Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile?
Mobile what? Landline who? I have a phone. It has an answering machine, which has a tape, which was full, so I've now rewound it. I'm feeling old.
6.)What is your main ring tone on your phone?
The annoying "bring" kind that is almost as bad as the alarm clock tone.
7.) What shirt are you wearing?
A short black tank top.
8.) Do you label yourself?
I keep applying labels, they keep falling off. I think I move too rapidly for other people to even start.
9.) Name brand of your shoes currently wearing?
(looks down) No way. Nike. I'm old school cool right now. I should like to add that I picked them up at the United Church Thrift Shop for four dollars. But still, the coolness... I should also like to add that I should not be wearing said cool shoes, since I'm on my new carpet.
10.) Do you prefer a dark or a bright room?
Dark, with shadows from strategically placed light sources that change according to my mood. My walls are dark green with walnut molding, to set off my dark walnut bookshelves. Library chic.
11.) What did you have for breakfast?
A spinach quiche. Weird.
12.) Since question 12 is weirdly missing, make some shit up.
What does "meme" mean? Really. I don't know. I thought before it was some kind of self-inventory, but this isn't, so what is it? Just another, fresher word for survey, because everyone started insta-deleting those from their inboxs?
13.) What were you doing at midnight last night?
Sleeping, because I was awake through every other 3 in the morning since Monday.
14.) What did your last text message you received on your mobile phone say?
Sigh. Someone hung up because my answering machine tape was full. I suppose that amounts to a double deuce with interesting text embellishments on my mobile?
15.) Do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners?
Only if I haven't taken my pills.
16.) What's an expression that you say a lot?
"Holy Crap" is slipping from the streets of Strongbadia into my personal and workplace conversation. I am ashamed.
17.) Who told you they loved you last?
Cate. Unless Kim did while she was talking at me a few minutes ago. Sorry, Kimmie.
18.) Last furry thing you touched?
Winston. (My kitty.)
19.) How many hours a week do you work?
Forty hours at the book store, twenty-odd at the book grind.
20.) How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
I don't take pictures. I will not apologize.
21.) Favourite age you have been so far?
The age of reason was okay, but this age of industry is getting to me. Too mediocre.
22.) Your worst enemy?
Lives in that black space just at the corner of my eye...
23.) What is your current desktop picture?
The "Dudes" headstone. ("Dudes, I am totally still alive under here. It would rock if you could get a shovel")(wicked snicker)
24.) What was the last thing you said to someone?
"Okay. Yes, that sucks." to Kimmie as she finished telling me about an atrocious day and went upstairs to check her blog. That's the kind of profound stuff you can pull out of my mouth when I'm at the keyboard.
25.) If you had to choose between a million pounds or to be able to go back in time and fix all your mistakes, which would you choose?
A million pounds of what? Sorry, just having a little Canadian chuckle. Of course I'd take the money, esp with the conversion rate being what it is right now. I wouldn't know how to fix my mistakes, anyway. (That's providing I could even find any... I mean, them all. Yeah. That's what I meant)