After the Valentine’s Day Fest,
yana_ambf wondered if we’d be having another challenge, and she reminded me that St. Patrick’s Day was coming up. This is how she put it:
There's parades, debauchery, and liquor all around! So, how does the little family celebrate? Does Cody insist on wearing green to school? Does Gabe drag Z&S out on a drinking spree? Do people wearing green get pinched anyway? hehe We saw where drunken horseplay led the last time, so what happens now?
So, go ahead and tell us (or show us *g*) what the boys do to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!
This challenge is a little bit more informal, as there are no prompts to submit or claim. All types of fannish creations are welcome -- fic, icons, wallpapers, vids . . . . -- and there is no length requirement. So go ahead and create, and then post your submission here anytime between now and March 17.