Fic: Un-screwed

Dec 03, 2008 23:25

Title:  Un-screwed
Author:  fizzerbass 
Pairing:  Do you really have to ask?  Zach/Shaun
Rating:  PG-13 for a cuss-word or two.
Notes:  My internet has been wonky to say the least over the last few days and I was reduced to looking at screencaps to get my Shelter fix this morning.  This is what came to mind as I perused the pictures.  See if you agree.
DIsclaimer:  The boys belong to Jonah Markowitz.  I hope he doesn't mind that I love them enough to play with them on a daily basis.

Zach was seriously screwed.  Well, actually, his right elbow was seriously screwed.  In two places.  With really big, ugly sadistic looking screws that protruded from his skin like Frankenstein’s neck jewelry.  And what made matters worse; he didn’t even have a cool cast to sign.  Just some faggy little canvas splint you couldn’t even draw on.

God, why did he take that last wave?  What made him think he could shoot the curl and keep an eye on Shaun’s fine ass at the same time?  He totally didn’t even see the other surfer until his board came knifing through the curl right on top of him.  Before he even knew what was happening, there were bones sticking out of his elbow and Gabe was half-carrying, half-dragging his butt over the sand to Shaun’s waiting car.  An hour of surgery, two screws and two weeks later, here he was, lying on the couch and living life seriously screwed.

It wasn’t that he was going to miss school.  He could still go to classes even if he couldn’t draw, and most of professors said his previous work was more than good enough to get him through mid-terms.  It wasn’t that he was going to miss work, either.  His boss at the diner said he could use this time to finally design the new menus, signs and t-shirts he’d been promising for the last three months and, honestly?  He was tired of slinging hash and flipping burgers anyway.

No, what had him seriously screwed was this: he couldn’t kiss Shaun.  Well, yeah, he could kiss him with his lips - and tried to every chance he could get - but, to Zach, kissing Shaun was a full body experience.  It started at the toes, getting as physically close to Shaun as he possibly could, rolling his thighs from knee to hip to nestle in like a puzzle piece slipping into place.  Next, came their chests…no daylight showing between them, just one heart stacked atop the other, beating in synch with it’s counterpart as they came together.  Finally, their lips would meet…sometimes hard and passionate, sometimes soft and tender…but never without Zach’s hand cradling Shaun’s head.  Never.

Hence, the seriously screwed.  With the stupid hardware in his elbow, he couldn’t move his arm more than an inch or two, never mind fully enough to run his hand up Shaun’s arm to cup his neck.  He was getting desperate; it’d been two weeks since the accident and his palms were actually starting to itch with the need to feel Shaun’s cheek…or ear…or hair…or anything to make him feel like he was really kissing Shaun.

“Hey, you.  What’re you thinking so hard about?”

Zach starts a bit as Shaun enters the room, his arms full of pillows and blankets.  “Nothing,” he grumbles, picking at a loose thread on his shorts, his eyes downcast.

“Well, I am.  Thinking hard about something…or should I say missing something hard.”

Zach’s head flies up, his eyebrows just about touching his hairline in surprise.  “Excuse me?”

Shaun chuckles, dropping his burden of blankets on the floor.  “No, not that kind of hard, you pervert.  I meant I’m missing something really bad, missing it a lot.  Here…move.”

Shaun gently swings Zach’s legs off the couch, slowly spinning him until he’s lying on the other end of the couch with his left arm tucked into the corner of the couch and his injured right side safely propped against the back.  He places a pillow ever so carefully underneath Zach’s metallic monstrosity of an elbow and rolls up a blanket to slip between his neck and the arm of the couch.  Finally, he takes the biggest, fluffiest pillow they own and puts it right in front of Zach’s chest for him to rest his hand and forearm on.


Zach nods, a slightly concerned look on his face.  He’s pretty sure he knows what Shaun is aiming for and he’s totally up with what he’s laying down…well, maybe not totally up because his elbow really fucking hurts, and he hasn’t had a decent boner since this whole thing started.  But, he’s willing to try whatever it is Shaun is thinking of.

“Now, promise me you’ll let me know if this hurts, even just a little bit, okay?  I don’t want anything to get screwed up, alright?”

Zach winces.  “Dude.  Could you stop with the ‘screwed’ talk, please?

It’s really not my most favorite word right now.”

Shaun snorts softly.  “You got it, my brother.”  He claps his hands, rubbing his palms together in preparation.  “Ready?”

“Bring it on, City Boy.  Let’s see what it is you’ve been missing.”

Shaun lies down on the couch in front of Zach, very slowly, keeping his eyes glued to Zach’s face.  “Okay so far?  I’m not hurting you, am I?”

Zach shakes his head, biting his lip slightly because Shaun is just about even with his elbow.  “No, I’m good.”

Shaun freezes.  “I know you’re good, babe.  I need to know if you’re in pain.”

“Shut up,” Zach chortles, nudging Shaun’s leg with his knee.  “Just finish lying down already, will ya’?”

“Okay, okay.  Chill, dude, I’m getting there.”

Shaun finally comes to rest, in front of Zach but slightly below, his nose about even with Zach’s chin.  He licks his lips, searching Zach’s eyes as he lets out a shaky breath.  “Okay…here goes.”

With his words still floating in the silent room, he tilts his head back and lays a chaste kiss on Zach’s lips, his fingertips grazing Zach’s jaw ever so softly.  Zach feels the familiar warmth of attraction seep through his body, his stomach doing a slow flip when Shaun repeats the kiss, this time opening his mouth slightly to surround Zach’s lips.

Without thinking, he reaches forward with his bad arm, his hand moving along the pillow Shaun provided on pure instinct to cup Shaun’s neck, his fingers reacting joyfully to finally have some hair to tangle in.  He’s not even aware he’s kissing Shaun - really kissing Shaun - until the other man pulls back slightly, a small smile gracing his face.

“This,” he whispers, rubbing Zach’s hand lying on his neck.  “I’ve missed this.  It just doesn’t feel like we’re really kissing sometimes if you’re hand isn’t somewhere on my face or my neck.”  He closes his eyes and rests his forehead on Zach’s chin.  “It’s stupid, I know.”

Zach nudges him backward, his very happy hand running freely from jaw to ear to back of neck before returning to jaw for another trip.  “No.  Most definitely not stupid.”

He leans forward to recapture Shaun’s lips, thinking that for as screwed as he’s felt for the last two weeks, this is the most un-screwed he’s ever been.

And all it took was a kiss.

Visual Evidence:


Dragontatt             Caughtmoments                   Faith Mars

[a] fizzerbass, [f] fic

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