Holiday Fest 2012: Gift Exchange -- Still On, But...

Dec 15, 2012 11:38

We only have four people signed up for Holiday Fest 2012, but I've decided not to cancel it.

Since the number of gift requests aren't as plentiful as I'd hoped they'd be, I am, however, removing the rule that if you signed up to receive a gift you must give a gift. I'm hopeful that there will be something there that piques the interest of everyone that signed up, but in case there isn't, you're off the hook. *g*

That said, I have my fingers crossed that we do get some Shelter fic or artwork this holiday season. And my deepest thanks to everyone who signed up!

ETA: Remember, you may start posting your Holiday Fest 2012 gifts beginning this Monday, December 17th.

{challenge} holiday fest 2012

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