Cho Kyuhyun's Impending Doom (A SeoKyu One-shot)

Aug 13, 2010 23:16

Title: Cho Kyuhyun's Impending Doom (A SeoKyu One-shot)
Pairing/s: Seohyun & Kyuhyun, SeoKyu
Rating: G
Word Count: 689
Author: shelovessushi

Cho Kyuhyun's Impending Doom

Seohyun sang her part perfectly and waited for Kyuhyun’s turn.

Nothing. He didn’t sing.

She pushed the pause button on the remote control and whipped her head to his direction so fast that it gave her a head rush. Kyuhyun was fast asleep on his seat with his head to the side and his mouth hanging open. The nerve! Her blood boiled as she smacked him on the head as hard as she can.

“Oppa!” she shouted. He yelped in pain as he clutched his head with a contorted expression on his face. Seohyun felt contented. Sweet revenge.

“Sorry!” he told her massaging his skull. He didn’t sound apologetic. Seohyun huffed in annoyance.

She’s been extra worried about their upcoming duet for the concert and she wanted it to be perfect since it’ll be her first duet in front of thousands of spectators (And Kyuhyun’s fangirls). But Kyuhyun doesn’t seem to care, at all.

They’ve only started singing for twelve point seventy-eight minutes (Seohyun had the liberty to check) and Kyuhyun felt bored at once. He didn’t mean to, but he just couldn’t help it. The song was too slow like a ballad gone wrong and Seohyun’s sweet voice was lulling him to sleep.

If only he wasn’t a famous idol, she would have injured him limb for limb minutes ago. Seohyun wasn’t usually a violent person. Okay, scratch that. Seohyun isn’t a violent person. But seeing Kyuhyun’s blasé attitude makes her want to hit somebody.

They say that Kyuhyun was too mature to be Super Junior’s maknae. No way. He’s childish and sarcastic and witty and infantile. And Seohyun couldn’t believe that she’s one of the many girls who fall for his charms in a daily basis.

But right now she sets aside those gooey feelings and concentrates on Kyuhyun’s impending doom. She had a murderous glare on her face and Kyuhyun instantly backed away. Despite her innocent and harmless nature she could be frightening sometimes, like a dormant volcano ready to erupt.

“Okay, okay. I’ll try to cooperate!” he said, flailing his arms like a little kid.

“Good.” she replied, but her eyes turned to slits in suspicion as she pressed the play button on the stereo. Seohyun sang with her eyes closed as she spilled her heart out with the song, the lyrics were just so fitting.

She was getting to her favorite part when Kyuhyun suddenly paused the music. “Toilet break.” He smiled crookedly. Seohyun sighed in frustration motioning her hand to the door. Kyuhyun smiled triumphantly as he left the room in a millisecond.

They resumed rehearsals when he came back, a bag of chips on his hand. “Want some?” he offered her with his mouth full, the crunching of the food in his mouth was loud enough to wake a sleeping mouse.

“No thanks… junk food kills.” She told him in disgust. He cocked his head to the side but continued eating as if he didn’t hear Seohyun’s threat.

“Can we please continue with the singing? I have an early schedule tomorrow.” She said, crossing her arms.

“Whatever.” He answered nonchalantly crushing the empty plastic bag and tossing it to a nearby trashcan. They continued practicing.

Kyuhyun was supposed to sing his part but instead he uttered, “Seohyun?”

“What? If you want another break just go. Or better yet just go home already if you don’t want to practice anymore because you’re just wasting my time. I could have been efficiently practicing piano for the past hour that you’ve wasted by sleeping, eating or going to the comfort room every five seconds. Oppa, I never thought you’d be this immature and---” She ranted, but was suddenly cut off by Kyuhyun’s silencing lips. He pulled away just as quickly.

“And you were saying?” he asked arrogantly. Seohyun scoffed.

“Of all the men in this world--- I have to fall for the cocky one.” Seohyun said. But her anger dissipated the moment his lips met hers.

“Because I’m the greatest in Super Junior right?” he laughed.

“Touché.” She pulled him with his collar for another breathtaking kiss.

She’ll deal with Kyuhyun’s impending doom later…


pairing: kyuhyun/seohyun

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