She's Warm, He's Cold (A ChangYoon Drabble)

Mar 13, 2011 21:57

Title: She's Warm, He's Cold (A ChangYoon Drabble)
Pairing/s: Yoona & Changmin, ChangYoon(?)
Rating: G
Author: shelovessushi

She's Warm, He's Cold

People wonder how they ended up together.

Yoona was loud. Cheerful. Friendly.

On the other hand, Changmin was the total opposite. Introverted. Quiet. Solitary.

Unlike other couples, you’d seldom see them showing public display of affection. It was only a couple of intertwined fingers in a comfortable silence.

Usually, Yoona does all the talking and all Changmin has to do is to smile, to nod, and to just be... Changmin.

No matter how different Yoona and Changmin were: she’s as warm as a cup of coffee, he’s as cold as ice.

They just go together--- a living proof of an irony, really.

Because they’re just perfect for each other like that.


pairing: changmin/yoona, fanfic

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