You can trust me!

Dec 28, 2010 05:30

I thought I was going to be too busy to blog until after New Years.
However, something was in the news yesterday, that I wanted to
make time to talk about it. There was a new survey study found
(yet again) that Atheist are the less trusted group in America.
It also showed that 47% of Americans would disapprove of their
child marrying an Atheist (more then any other group). They
would rather see their child marry anyone else (including
Muslims and homosexuals) then marry any Atheist.  Way all
the Atheist hate? Just because someone haven't seen solid
prove for the existence of Gods, (or the supernatural), and
accepts natural explanations (shown though science) means
they are dishonest, and not marriage material? Just because
Atheist don't have a religious dogma telling us to be good,
that we're evil, and unable to not participate in antisocial
behavior though our own merit? Religious titles are more
important then judging someone by their character? This
shows how afraid people are of change, and of people that
are different then them. It's easier and more comfortable to
be with others like you, instead of trying to understand
someone that was a different view and understanding of the
situation. While not surprising, it's still very sad. Even when I
was a Christian, (with all the non truths I was told about Atheist)
I still didn't think it was right to hate on them. I knew that they
were human being with the same capabilities for mistakes and
love as anyone. If anything, the Atheist and nonbelievers in my
life have been more honest, loving, and out reaching then most
Christians I know. 75-85% of Americans are Christian, no
wonder why Atheist are misunderstand. There Just simply
isn't a lot of Atheist to talk to. Most Christians wouldn't have a
heart to heart conversion with an Atheist. Atheist and non-
believers are fun loving, happy, kind people, who are honest,
moral, and without the need of religion to fell a sense of
purpose in their lives. In fact Atheist get into trouble and make
people uncomfortable because they are too open and honest.
I'm having problems with my family because I have recently
came out as an Atheist. I was so programed (like so many
others) with prejudgments, and false info about Atheist, that I
could never see myself as any Atheist.  It was only when I
started really questioning and investing the huge claims of
organized religion, that I actually look into the facts. Once I
learned basic science, I found that it was more exciting and
made more sense then the mystical claims of religion. I
hope it doesn't offend my readers that this article inspired
me to talk more on atheism, and science. I hope our future
talks will help clear up any common misunderstanding
about atheism, and shows that atheist are in fact normal,
everyday people. People don't believe in hundreds of gods
from the past, Atheist just talk it one god farther.

I think my newest video fits this topic very well...

Sticks ans Stones

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atheism, christianity, christian, atheist, science, life

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