Terra Nova fic: Forbidden Fruit 12/?

Feb 05, 2012 14:16

Fic: Forbidden Fruit
Rating: M...yea it is that time lol
Pairing: Lucas Taylor/Skye Tate
Summary:She takes the chance of losing everything to go and find a broken, angry, albeit alive Lucas Taylor out in the Jungle. Together they fight a losing battle with their inevitable feelings toward each other, feelings they both wish they didn't have.

Skye worked through the night and Lucas took it upon himself to get settled in the back of the rover. Luckily for them he found a sonic powered lantern that had a decent amount of charge and hung it over the front seat. He laid the sleeping bags on top of each other for extra comfort and stretched out on the cool metal floor; wondering what exactly he had done to deserve for her to still be here and tending to him.

Let alone caring for him.

It drove him madder by the second, he had wanted her from the second he saw her, no, ever since Deb had mentioned her sweet Bucket, and he had wanted to call her his own. However doubtful that might have seemed. But now she was here, and she seemed keen on his advances.

Skye hopped in the driver's seat of the rover and punched in the code she argued out of Lucas earlier and it started with a shake and a roar. "HA ha!" she exclaimed jumping in the baron back of the machine, "did you hear that Lucas?" she said excitedly, straddling his hips, "I did it, I actually did it!" she laughed.

Lucas' hands came up and rested on her hips and he softly moved beneath her, only stirring his fantasies further.

"Yes, you did," he breathed, "But you should move, Bucket," he warned huskily, pushing himself up on his elbows. "Before you start something you don't intend on finishing."

"And who says I wouldn't finish," she scowled, quickly claiming his lips with her own; pushing him back down so he was flat and she let her hair flow around his face, tickling the stubble that laid there. She felt his arousal and pushed down harder with her hips, earning a growl from his lips, which she took in gratefully. "You do terrible things to me, Lucas," Skye whispered, her mouth grinning against his. He flipped them over, straining to gain dominance, and pinned her beneath him. She gasped and giggled in return when his fiery emerald eyes burned hers, so full of want, so full of need, full of desire.

"What is it you want, Lucas," she breathed when his lips descended down up on hers, his tongue begging for entrance.

"You," he whispered against her, "always you." Skye reached up and tugged the shirt from the hem of his pants and slowly unfastened his belt; all the while his eyes intently on hers. Her small hand wiggled its way inside his pants and she wrapped her fingers gingerly around his hardness. Lucas groaned and his mouth fell onto her collar bone. "Bucket," he moaned, pulling her shirts above her head and kissing his way down, finding the buds beneath her bra with his teeth. "Lucas," she breathed, her breath hitching and her body shivering as her hands nimbly undid the buttons on his shirt and slid it over his head with ease, letting her hands roam over his scarred back and up his chest, wrapping her hands around his neck and entangling themselves in his hair. He used one hand to steady himself and the other to smoothly remove her shorts, slipping a hand under the hem of her underwear, where she was already wet and wanting, eager for him to touch her. "We can stop," he whispered against her lips regretfully, letting a finger sink into her folds. "Oh god," she moaned softly.

"We can still stop," he repeated, kissing her fully.

"No, god, no Lucas don't stop," she huffed and felt him smile against her lips as he sunk another finger into her. He felt her contract against his fingers and slid yet another in. "So_ready, aren't you?" he asked hungrily.

"Yes," she writhed, kicking his pants down and off. "Oh yes," she gasped when his fingers moved quickly in and out of her. "Oh god Lucas," she moaned, and he swallowed it with a kiss gently moving down until his mouth was hovering on her dampened panties. He laughed lowly and teased her through the fabric. Using his mouth to lick her from the outside of the pale yellow cotton before him. Skye bucked her hips toward him and he grasped them firmly with his hands. "Patience, Bucket," he said quietly, going back to his ministrations. "Lucas please," she begged between pants, arching her back. Who was he fooling, he couldn't wait much longer, he slid her panties down slowly and let his tongue flick over her sensitive clit

"Yes, that's it," she groaned, bringing herself up to meet his lapping, writhing in joy, "yes, oh god, Lucas, yes," she moaned again and again.

He loved hearing her moan his name, hell he loved it when she uttered his name period. But this, this took things to a different level, the way she said it with such want, such need. He couldn't take much more and he brought himself back up to her lips, letting her taste herself there. "Lucas, please," she begged wrapping her fingers around his neck then letting them roam down his chiseled chest resting over his erection. "please, Lucas," she whispered against his neck, placing small opened mouth kisses there.

It wasn't like it was when she went to keep Josh alive, as unexpected and as gentle as he was then, this was something new, this had more meaning, both of their feelings were out in the open. Although ever since that night she had wanted him again.

Lucas balanced himself above her and steadied above her opening, sliding in with a groan and a steady thrust. They moaned together as he entered her and his lips found hers once more, his tongue finding sweet satisfaction in the depths of her mouth. He wanted and needed this as much as she, he knew that now. Her legs clamped down firmly behind his hips and she matched his rhythm perfectly, the both of them getting lost in each other's eyes, never letting their looks stray. He groaned and buried his face into the side of her neck, kissing it openly as she too cried out, and they both stayed still a moment before he rolled away and lied next to her.

Skye curled into him and looped a leg over his and chuckled lightly. "Well then," she panted.

"Yes?" he breathed arching an eyebrow.

"That's been a long time coming," she replied shyly.

He enfolded her in his arms and gingerly kissed the top of her head. "Indeed it was, Bucket," he laughed lightly. "Do you regret it?" he asked suddenly worried at her response.

"Not at all," he felt her smile against him, "it was so…so…"

"Mmmhmm," he agreed, not letting her finish and snuggling into her. Lucas rested his chin on top of her hair and let his eyes slip closed, his chest still heaving.

"Now what?" she whispered and he tensed, sensing the inevitable.

"Now we sleep," he chuckled ignoring her question entirely.

"That's not what I meant and you know it," Skye grinned, nuzzling further into him.

"We will cross that bridge when we come to it, Bucket," he sighed. "Hopefully things will work themselves out."

"I hope you're right, Lucas," she whispered against him. "I hope you're right."

They laid in silence, just listening to each other's breathing. "I think…" Skye began.

"You think, what, Bucket," he said softly, interrupting her.

"I think I may love you, Lucas Taylor," she stammered out and buried herself in his chest.

Lucas laughed lightly and grinned. "I think I do too," he said, "for a long time now."

A/N: Whooooaaa rating jump here, yea shelly got all nasty on your asses, but I hope you enjoyed it! I know I did! Yum Yum!

skye tate, lucas taylor, lucas/skye, fic, forbidden fruit

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