Terra Nova fic: Forbidden Fruit

Jan 08, 2012 10:47

Fic: Forbidden Fruit
Rating: T...for now
Pairing: Lucas Taylor/Skye Tate
Summary: Skye risks her relationship with Commander Taylor and leaves Terra Nova in search of Lucas. Hoping to find him alive albeit angry in the Jungle as she struggles with feelings that are burning up inside her.

A/N: Well hellooooo everybody! Yea, yea, yea, I've gone and pushed my way into another fandom. Don't I have enough unfinished crap to write about. I just couldn't focus on anything else with these two always in the background of my mind, doing dirty thing's to each other. So here is a little something to put my brain a little bit at ease. Although...its probably just going to make my love for them grow even more and spawn some PsychoSmut XD

Anyway, read, enjoy, review. I'll give you extra sprinkles.

Forbidden Fruit

It had been days since Taylor had almost been killed by his own flesh and blood; and days since Skye herself had gunned the younger Taylor down. She was almost certain the Commander had forgiven her for feeding the sixers information; she did save his life after all, but then again she shot his only son right before his eyes; providing him a whole 'nother reason for him to be angry with her. Even through all the pain and suffering Lucas had bestowed on Taylor and his people, Skye could still see the anguish behind his eyes. Those cursed eyes that belonged to the man she regrettably hoped was somehow still alive in the vast jungle outside the gates.

Skye and Taylor were on what you would technically call speaking terms. They greeted each other on a daily basis and she would change his bandages when he checked in at the infirmary while they made small talk. Their chess games had yet to continue, and their relationship was far from what it used to be, but somehow she felt that they were making some sort of progression towards normalcy. Which was undoubtedly a good thing, but she didn't know how much longer she could ignore the constant itch on her mind in the form of Lucas. She honestly didn't know why, the damn psycho bashed her head against a rover for Christ's sake, not to mention the fact that he obviously had no problem hurting or even killing innocent people.

"People die Bucket, that's what they do."

Lucas' voice echoed in her mind; something he said to her the day she convinced him to let Josh live. And still, despite everything he had put her through; there was a part (a very small part) of her that felt sympathy for that bitter man.

She would give it a few more days, just a couple days more before she snuck out of Terra Nova, hopefully with a decent amount of medical supplies, to begin her search for Lucas. Taylor would undoubtedly never trust her again if he got wind that she was trying to help his son, nevertheless, it was something she had to do.

Behind her loathing for him grew something much stronger. She closed her eyes, reimaging his lips ghosting the back of her neck.

"What a shame Bucket, I really wanted to do away with young Shannon."

She was turned away from him, a sheet pulled up around her in a fickle attempt to cover her bare body.

"Lucas please," she whispered letting her eyes slip closed.

He dropped a soft kiss just below her hair line. "I gave you my word Skye, and for you my word is as good as gold," Lucas said softly, trailing more opened mouth kisses down her neck and stopping at her shoulder. She turned to face him at the mention of her name; his brilliant jade eyes were now a warm and wanting viridian hue.

"Thank you," she smiled gently and couldn't help but to reach up and let her thumb lightly trace the outside of his face. He returned her smile with a genuine one of his own, the he reserved for only her to see. Lucas leaned into her touch with a content sigh.

"The things you do to me, Bucket," he whispered pressing a kiss to her palm. "It's enough to drive a man mad."

"Think we're a little late for that," she smirked, letting her hand fall away from his face.

"Mmm, I suppose," he agreed with a wink and then moved from the bed to collect his clothes. "You should get going," Lucas said while pulling on his pants. "And don't worry about young Shannon, Bucket. As long as you know where your loyalties lie he will live to see another day in paradise."

But she had betrayed him, hadn't she? Twice more for that matter; once with the ambush and then again when she drew the gun on him. She couldn't shake that look in his eyes when he saw her standing there after being hit with the first bullet. A look of both shock and anguish that held for merely seconds before he attempted to give one final blow to the Commander and for her to pull the trigger a second time. She watched him fall and tried to ignore the unwanted feelings stirring inside her. Why should she feel remorse for him? Why should she care if he lived or died? Why couldn't she just forget him and go on living her old life?

Probably for the same reasons that Lucas Taylor couldn't stop thinking of her as he lied, shivering with fever barely three clicks away from her.

skye tate, lucas taylor, terra nova, fic

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