Title: The Soldier in the Woods
Author: Shellysmk
Pairings/Characters: Booth/Brennan - ensemble
Rating: T
Spoilers: Through 2x18 - The Killer in the Concrete (This would actually take place in the month of June so, technically, after the end of S2 but, for the sake of spoilers and canon, only through 2x18.)
Summary: When the supposed remains of Civil War soldier are found in a remote Florida forest, Bones and Booth are sent to authenticate the find.
Length: 10 chapters, 23K words
Genres: Case file/romance/maybe a smidge of angst
A/N: My first Bones fic. Be gentle. Extra special thanks go out to
enigma731 for her priceless comments, indispensable advice, and occasional prods with a sharp stick. Thanks also go to
bohemianfling who graciously provided her skills as a top-notch beta. Any errors contained herein are all on me. Loved it? Hated it? I'd love to know why. Take a moment to review, if the spirit moves you.
(The Soldier in the Woods)