Things in my life

Aug 13, 2006 22:33

Well, not everything is good, and not everything is bad, and you can imagine.

I just fully woke up from my drug induced stupor of the past few days. Though the pain killers (including the novicaine) wore off at the hopital, I have been on the wonder V for Vicaden for the past few days. Now, I don't need it anymore (I didn't need it before, but Autam and my mother insisted it would help me sleep) I can type.

I had a lot of time, though, to just lay in bed, and think (when not experiencing Autam's wonderful TLC.) I had time to look at what I am doing with my life, and what I want.

THE BAD: I don't want to be a funeral director. I may have wasted two years of my ife trying to become one. I have a lovely degree and a lovely license that I have no desire to use. THE GOOD: I have something that I can "fall back on." It's a definate that I can rely on, even if I don't want to. Plus, it's a great ice breaker for my desired prefession...

THE GOOD: I want to be an actress. I am currently taking steps in my life to become one, and I feel that once I get back into the swing of things, I can achieve. THE BAD: I have a long, hard road ahead of me. Being an actress is not a definate job. I may never work again...

THE GOOD: I am in a relationship that looks like will be around for a very long time. THE BAD: Some people don't really seem to like that (you know who you are.) Plus, it looks like I will not be able to visit her for a long time, due to schedueles/ Job Corps' Nazi rules. THE GOOD: We will be moving in with each other very soon, and quite happily away from the previously mentioned offending parties.

THE BAD: I am losing contact with a few of the people who I thought were very close to me. This, I feel, is of no fault of mine, as I have tried to make amends and keep in contact. But, when no one returns your calls and moments together are filled with more stiffness then that found in a plaster factory, I think I can get the hint. THE GOOD: I know now who my true friends are, and the lot of you (you know who you are) can expect to hear a lot more from me. I love you all, dearly, and I appreciate you standing by me in my moments of not so certainty.

THE GOOD: I finally feel like writing again. THE BAD: Finding the time to do it.

THE BOTTOM LINE: I am happy. This is my life, and I am going to live it.
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