Oct 17, 2003 09:52
Well, its Friday and I'm at work. That in itself is surprising because I got in at 9:30 am! I'm never here this early. But the even more surprising thing is that I make it to work on time the one day I'm hungover. I feel like crap! In my whole drinking career I've never had a hangover until TODAY! Here's a word of advise, Do Not go to sleep when you're still drunk. You must stay awake until the affects wear off. I so did not intend on going to bed so early, it was maybe 3am, but we got started really early. Wednesday was Cristina's 21st birthday and we were celebrating last night since we all had shit to do for school yesterday. Anyways, I overdid it a bit. Especially since we ended up leaving the club before it even got started and went to a party at FIU, which ended not too long after we got there. Under normal circumstances I would've been bored and upset that I didn't get to dance at the club but...after 3 margaritas and 2 liquid cocaine shots I would've been quite entertained simply starting at the wall. But I'm so paying for it right now! I'm starving but I'm afraid to eat. Someone gimme so tips on getting rid of a hangover...LOL I just remembered that I called Dana last night. I'm such a dork, but hey its okay cuz she was drunk too.
On a completely different note...the weather is so nice....Yesterday was the most beautiful day. I wanted to skip my exam and just lay out in the sun. I was walking through campus and realized how much I'm going to miss UM when I leave. I never realized how much it looks like you're walking through a post card every damn day. Today its actually chilly outside, well at least to my Floridian a@@.
Okay I think I'm going to venture some food now.