Jan 29, 2006 00:37
im quite happy. dont really know why, but things are going really well. minus the fact im still sick. but i dont even mind that.
=there is a gorgeous piece of eye candy in my bc calc class
=im not failing calc and i actually understand what's going on
=did not go to one full day of classes this whole week
=sub in bio so we got breakfast during 3rd&4th
=spent mucho time with joanna which i have not done in forever
=finally talked to a guy who is both single and good looking. and funny. and not an asshole.
=had a good conversation with said guy.
=for west side i'm riff's girlfriend! haha! now i just have to find a way to keep sam off of me the entire time, since he doesnt hit on me enough already
=actually went to rehearsal and am actually in scenes
=spent a hilarious friday night, the party was "dry" even though almost everyone there was under the influence of something
=watched real world las vegas with izzy while eating ice cream yummmm
=looking at a car tomorrow morning *crosses fingers*
so yep. now all i have to do is get rid of my cough and ill be :D