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Apr 16, 2007 02:06

Well I didn't get back from the Scrapbooking retreat until nine cause Sabrina wanted to go shopping on the way home. It was fun. It was really nice to be able to set out all my scrapbook stuff and just leave it there all weekend. It takes like an hour to set out all my scrapbook stuff and get it organized then about as long to put it away. I finally officially finished my Ireland/England Scrapbook. That is after I find my sand and shells from Sligo and I lost my directions to the train station that John wrote out. I started my scrapbook about me, though I still have to find a lot of pictures. I'm trying to not add any pictures of family and make it just me and friends, and my accomplishments. I'm going to make a family scrapbook later.

The place we scrapbooked at was really nice. It was an old church. Me and Sabrina want to open one of those places. The lady charges $100 for the weekend and everyone thinks it's cheap. She only furnishes breakfast, which is only like cereal and bagels. She doesn't stay the weekend either. The place holds 16 people and she's booked until May for weekends. She made $1600 this weekend and prolly didn't even spend $20 in food. Even a few people a month would pay the mortgage. I guess people come from all over even other states.

We stopped at Goodwill on the way home. I got some really cool clothes, we spent forever in there. We then went to Family Dollar, they had some cool clothes too. Spent more money there. Then we went to Pay Less Shoes, and of course I got a pair of shoes there. I hate that everything closes early or isn't open on Sunday.

Well I'm gonna go to bed still a little tired from the weekend, stayed up Friday night. Everyone was really loud last night and this morning so I couldn't sleep very well.

Love ya, Elly

p.s. What is that supposed to be next to my mood guy (the little purple star)??? It looks like a rock with a blue triangle.
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