Doctors with needles posit repeatedly that you knocked down that midget in the park unneededly...

Jun 12, 2008 21:23

This has seeded the idea that you should never venture from the house never get misunderstood by the nonplayer characters inhabiting earth, none of whom are too concerned about Nord and Bert. Wonder who ever aim to fish around the room, tryin to get it in the ear canal because doom beset the last planet they were on or near, the verge of a set of poetics they couldnt hear never fear the dudes with invisible ink, no SM goddesses looking from pause to think, never piloted six robots, each distinct, no matter how many two liters they drink, theyre not gonna follow what youre saying at all, not impuned and apalled with the scope of their gaul, so you hide in your room in disgust with the lights turned out, turn them on in the turn, leave them off for now...

You. Are. Like. Ly. To. Be. Eaten.

You Are likely to be eaten by a Grue. If this predicament seems particularly cruel, consider who's fault it could be, not a torch or a match in your inventory....


So pardon that. That was me singing MC Frontalot's "It is Pitch Dark". MC Frontalot's hearts huge, lets have a housewarming. Lol. Nevermind.

Anyway, Frontalot is a nerdcore rapper, who I am infatuated and in love with. Naked. I listen to his rap all day, memorize it, try to sing it, fail, and am sad. So I type it.


So. I work with my Uncle now at EyeCatchers in Northport. They do screen printing, and we have a little boutique in the front of the shop. All sorts of nifty shit. Boring as hell sittin up there all day, tho, but what can you do?

J.C. and I are at the library. He is right there. SAY HI JC.

J.C.: "Huh?"

Thank you! He's a big dumb animal, isnt he folks. Lol. I kid.

haha. I showed him, and he laughed. Thats why I love the big lug. EVEN IF HE IS SHAMELESSLY FLIRTING WITH PEOPLE ONLINE. Lol.

He is now showing me Family Guy porn on his phone. I just destroyed him with my lazer heat vision. He's dead now. Sad.

ANYWAY. So I met this guy on Myspace, and he thinks Im hot, so I said hi back, and he came to my work and he is gross and has no teeth and Im sad.

I'm drawing again, for the first time in a really long time. It feels nice. Takes alot of patience tho. Which I dont have. Lame.

Im trying Nutrisystem/Bariatric Health and Wellness/Good choices with my eating. For example. Yesterday, had a bariatric meal breakfast and lunch, had a bowl of soup from the house from dinner. Homemade, veggies, lean meats, good. Not too bad. Probably a daily intake of like 1,200 calories. Maybe.

Today, I had a nutrisystem meal for breakfast, a salad with baked chicken and dressing on the side for lunch, and a nutrisystem meal for dinner. Again, like 1200 calories. Then, J.C. bought me a mocha frappe. 1200 calories per serving. Lol.

But, I lost 15 more pounds since March. Im gonna be skinny one day! I already look a thousand times better. The only thing that sucks, is that I have one stubborn belly spot that wont shrink. It just sticks out worse. Wah. My lower stomach is like a paper bag. Or, like J.C. says, a waterbed. Not hard. Soft. Pliable. Fucking annoying, especially when I get hot in the summer.

I have regular periods again. I started TODAY. Which sucks, because Im sitting next to J.C. and I kinda want to take him right here and right now. I might just settle for exploring the library. Bah. Humbug.

He and I broke up last week. And it didnt stick. Lol.

And that about covers it.

OH. Wait. My mom was supposed to buy Eddie tickets and we were supposed to go, but she didnt and he sold out. Im sad.


Sorry, hyper. Peace out, my homies.
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