Jul 11, 2013 09:12
I've read three books lately that I was impressed with in different ways. I recommend each of them.
Redwood and Wildfire by Andrea Hairston. I met Andrea in Toronto over lunch with mutual friends and spent some time chatting with her later. This book is a journey of love and spirit and magic set in the late 1800-1913 or so. The characters are rich--scarred by real horrors not imagined monsters--who make their way from southern share cropping to the beginnings of the film industry in Chicago.
every day by david leviathan is a YA coming of age story with a serious SF twist. Every day our hero wales up in a different body, a different life but he's also in love with the same girl. It's and interesting test in using modern communication to solve problems and with the tenacity of spirit.
Finally I'm working my way through another of Nancy Kress's brilliant novels. I put off reading Dogs because, well, it's a story of dogs going bad. But wow. nancy can plot. The writing is tight, vivid and compelling. Her science is always solid. I always learning something about writing when I read Nancy's writing--no surprise she's also an excellent teacher and full of surprises.
Coincidently Nancy Kress and Jack Skillingstead will be reading tonight at Elliott Bay Books in Seattle at 7pm tonight. See you there.
via ljapp,