Riding Around the Town

Jun 17, 2013 08:41

Sunday was Father's Day as you know. My Dad was off to see Grandma so I posted a photo on FB and told him "I love you Daddy."

That's my Dad holding me and my little brother in Whittier, California 1968.

I did some chores, dishes, laundry, mail, and cleaning cat vomit (Emily has a sensitive tummy that will need some care). Then got on my bike and rode to The Wild Mountain cafe for brunch with my friend Big G. Their Veggie Bennie--eggs Benedict with spinach, tomato, and mushroom--is divine. Their housemade hollandaise sauce is creamy lemony goodness.

I passed this pair of obelisks on my way.

I then rode up to Swanson's Nursery passing a long row of Hollywood Catering trucks, film support trucks, trailers and other obvious movie filming stuff. Interesting, but not worth stopping for. At Swanson's I visited the koi, bought a package of seeds and a bag of 1500 sleeping ladybugs. I do enjoying visiting their enormous colorful koi.

I tucked the ladybugs carefully into the panier and headed off to Ballard. I wanted to ride to the beach, and then visit the salmon, before heading home. Pedaling past the film trucks I turned off the busy street to ride up quieter residential streets when I saw a young woman who looked familiar. I smiled and she gave me a brilliant smile back. I pedaled on, stopping to take these two photos of the film crew.

Much later, over a glass of prosecco at my local hangout I learned that the young woman with the smile was Keira Knightly.

Lots of people down at Shilshole Beach and Golden Gardens. I watched boats and sand castle builders then pedaled on to the Chittendon Locks. Wow. Tons of people! Turns out there was a performance by a pipes and drums group.

And a classic car show as well as the usual fascination of the locks and salmon ladders. Yes, the sockeye are going up the ladders and into Freshwater. I heard a child ask, "to spawn? Like in Minecraft?" I'm amused. He knew the word in an entirely different context.

I pedaled off through Ballard, said a mental hello to Kij as I passed Stone Gardens and then to the Ballard Sunday market. There were flowers of course.

I rode on to the Burke-Gilman, walked through the Fremont Market, pedaled under the bridge, up the hill and home again jiggety jig.

At home I planted a few penstemon and coneflowers, mulched a bed, weeded, and watered. I hosed the aphid infested hedge then waited until dusk to let the ladybugs, remember the ladybugs? Go free. Fly away ladybugs fly away...


via ljapp, photos, seattle, bike, ballard

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