Thursday Cookie Spree

Dec 13, 2012 11:13

Ok. Egged on with words of encouragement, a pot of Peet's Solstice Blend tea and Holiday spirit I've decided to indulge my inner Julia Child and bake. So my plan is.
Christmas cut out cookies--rolled shaped, decorated sugar cookies
Maple pecan refrigerator cookies
Amaretto tea cakes
Ginger snaps

I may cut out one of the nut cookies or not depending. Most of these are pretty simple doughs that you refrigerate before baking giving me time to clean up a bit between.

I'm also roasting a duck because I can. I'll pull the meat from the bones and make little duck tacos.

No other plans for the day. I'm working my way through the 115 holiday CDs I've collected through the years. I may send some cards though these may arrive with flour and spice smears.

We shall see. Now to get off my butt, get dressed, and buy butter.
Happy holidays!

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