The New Year is coming up!

Dec 26, 2009 12:18

1. Where did you begin 2009?
I began it in Capitol Hill with Erin, Alyssa and some other friends, watching the fireworks over the Space Needle. I really liked that New Years :)

2. What was your status by Valentines Day?
In that complicated whatever relationship with Tyler

3. Were you in school anytime this year?
I was in school any time that I wasn't traveling or working.

4. Did you have to go to the hospital?
I went to the hospital for my first adult physical but other than that, not really.

5. Did you have any encounters with the police?
Hahaha ALL the time b/c I'm so bad. Let's see... I managed to escape a jaywalking ticket in Vienna. Does border control count?

6. Where did you go on vacation?
I traveled throughout Europe. That counts as vacationing, right? So... Croatia, Italy, Prague, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Paris, Netherlands, London. :) Oh and I'm counting the boogie boarding trip to Westport also as a vacation.

7. What did you purchase that was over $100?
My camera replacement, textbooks, my flight, some train tickets, aagh..

8. Did you know anybody who got married?
lol nope, not to my knowledge

9. Did you know anybody who passed away?
Nothing is coming to my head right now

10. Did you move anywhere?
From home to Vienna and then back to home

11. What sporting events did you attend?
I consider working at all the Seahawks games as attending a sporting event. Along with the Sounders games and the MLS cup. I attempted to attend a Bayern soccer game but that didn't really work. Oh and one that I actually WATCHED was the Apple Cup. Woof woof

12. What concerts/shows did you go to?
Seeing 20 Riverside live was fantastic. So proud of my buddies. Also, seeing 2 operas at the Viennese State Opera house. I think that's it though :-P

13. Describe your birthday.
Woke up early, took a bus to Bratislava, flew from Bratislava to Pisa, took a train to Cinque Terra, found our hostel, and then my friends and I got some Italian dinner and I met some Canadians and sat on the rocks, eating my pasta, drinking wine and watching the sunset. Just keeping it classy.

14. What is the ONE thing you thought you would not do, but did, in 2009?
I didn't think that I could travel by myself for a month and not run into any trouble. I didn't think I would place into the finals of the 48 hour business competition. I didn't think I would do so well in my classes. I didn't know I could be so blunt to some people

15. What have been your favourite moments?
boogie boarding, traveling and meeting so many new people especially Clemens and Tom, Croatia, hiking with thunder right above my head, various improv moments, Halloween, laser tag at UW, being called "Bad ass" by my internship's vice president lolol,

16. Any new additions to your family?
My improv family has increased :)

17. What was your best month?
June and July because of all the traveling and meeting so many people while also staying in contact w/ them

18. Who has been your best drinking buddy?
hahaha ze Austrians!

19. Made new friends?
numerous :)

20. Favourite night out?
I really liked going out with Kate in Vienna when she came to visit and going up the Prater and then dancing.

21. Other than home, where did you spend most of your time?
UW, Vienna, Traveling

22. Have you lost any friends this year?
One. Every now and then, I still remember that Tyler defriended me. Seriously. Who does that on facebook??

23. Change your hairstyle?
Yes, in February, and it looked good. I want to cut it again.

24. Have any car accidents?
thankfully, no :)

25. How old did you turn this year?

26. Do you have a New Years resolution?
Improve my goals, do well, earn money so I'm not constantly barely in the black

27. Do anything embarrassing?
Embarrassment is relative to the group that you are with. So yes with my study abroad group but no with people that accepted me.

28. Buy anything from eBay?
lol nope

29. Get married or divorced?
hahaha my parents almost divorced and then got back together

30. Get hit on?
hehe :) I don't get hit on. But I am approachable and friendly.

31. Been snowboarding?
nooope. I think I went skiing once this year

32. Did you get sick this year?
Thankfully, no, not at all, except on Dec 21st when I had that god awful stomach flu. I also felt tired sniffly after Amsterdam and the Frankfurt airport inspected me for swine flu.

33. Are you happy to see 2009 go?
nah, I liked 2009. But I just wish it left me with more money

34. Been naughty or nice?
I say I've been great!

35. What are you looking forward to most in 2010?
hahaha making money and moving closer to graduation. Also, robot-pirate-ninja battle!!

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