OMG!!! I am so stressed out it's not even funny.... Honestly I think people are purposely trying to piss me off right now and I am totally not in the mood for it. This week has been really long and hecktic... And today especially.... Got in a huge fight with my first period teacher cuz she is a dumb bicth! I was having an asthma (however you spell it) attack and she wouldn't let me go into the locker room to get it! She told me that I was fine and that I was just making an excuse to not play..... Meanwhile I can barely talk cuz I am trying to gasp for air..... UGH!!!! And then I ended up getting one hell of a Migrain and it seemed like people yelled more after I told them I had a headache and asked if they could try to be a little quieter.... I asked nicely.... Well then I walked home with Peter and it started pouring rain out of no where but the sun was still out lol.... Then I went to sleep at like 4 till 8 and here I am.... My parents just came home a little while ago and they are fighting as usual.... I am getting so tired of this... EVERY freaking weekend this is going on..... and I try to talk to my mom about things that happened at school today.... or something about Prom and she just told me she doesn't care..... That she is busy... she is sitting there drinking.... so I see that drinking is more important then me..... I think I am going to move out on my own.... Screw moving in to the new house with them..... it's not like they even care about me..... they just want me to move into the house so I can pay rent..... Cuz they told me if we stay living here that they wouldn't care if I moved out and then all of a sudden when my step dad's friend told us he was going to sell us his house they didn't wan't me to move out anymore... and told me if I live there I have to pay rent... All I have to say is if I am paying rent I get to make some rules of my own... And they can start treating me with some respect! UGh I am bored.... I am doing stupid quizzes.... well here is one of them..... I am going to go for now... maybe I will write more later.... bye byes
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What Does Your Name Mean?