Happy New Year!
The last little bit of 2011 was a bit crap for me.... starting with vague abdominal pain on Christmas Day that got worse and less vague over the next few days until I decided I should make some kind of Drs appointment to sort it out. I naturally had a few suspicions of my own, and the morning I had planned to make said appointment the suspicions had narrowed to one. Went straight to the Dr, who sent me straight to Emergency, and after hours of waiting a surgeon confirmed that I had appendicitis and would be having my appendix out first up the next day (Thursday 29th).
So, the first day of 2012 sees me feeling a bit better than yesterday and hoping for a speedy recovery so that I can hold my baby girl again. Not being able to cuddle and play with her has been horrid!
My art sale has been delayed a little by these events, I hope to start it on the 4th :)
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