Dec 05, 2005 19:41
Hey All...
Just got this new cd from my dad's friend son (whew, comfusing for ya) He is pritty good. First cd so there are only like ... 6 songs on it. Im not sure if i can add like a song onto this thing so yeah u all must go to the website...
So yeah, reply if you listen to it k, i wanna hear ppls opinions.
MUCH love to MEL, that poster is so sexy every time i walk in to room im all like... yummy. HAHA thx again. Gotta tell u a funny story bout it..
It was like drapped over my chair and i went out, my sis went into the room to get the phoen and out of the corner of her eye she saw Seth lookin at her and she thought it was a real person so she like screemed in the ear of the person she was talking to haha
Its was a moment..
Yo.. Stacey whats up ma gurl. talkin to u on the phone right now, its funny. We have to have a Christmas party ;) () << vodka shotglass lol... Well talk to you later