The Transfer Request....

Feb 14, 2006 00:44

[Nerverack] EARTH?! But there are icky, crawly, buggy things on that organic planet! @_o;;

*Ultra Magnus sighs heavily as he listens to the hypocondriac ramble on about germs and diseases he can't even CONTRACT as a robotic lifeform. He'd anticipated this reaction after Prime's request to have Flatfoot transferred to the Ark...and being the good commander that he was, Magnus decided to send the former enforcer's partner, as well. ...honestly, if he was going to lose one of his best soldiers, he might as well lose one of the worst in the same stroke and call it even.*

[Flatfoot] You can't catch even half of all those illnesses you've just named, Nerves. Just calm down. I'm sure this is a very important transfer if Optimus Prime himself is requesting our presence.

[Ultra Magnus] Part of the reason for the transfer was to help provide the Ark with more security. Apparently, a recent accident with some experimental transwarp technology caused a number of Autobot visitors from other worlds to appear. The regular ranks are probably stretched thin, trying to keep track of them all.

[Flatfoot] I see. .oO (*sigh* First, I have to botsit Nerves. Now...I'll have to help botsit a whole base full of newbies. Primus, what have I done to deserve this? ...I suppose I should be honored that I was requested SPECIFICALLY.)

[Nerverack] A-Autobots? From other worlds? But what if they're carrying COSMIC RUST?!

[Ultra Magnus] I'm sure Ratchet would have ordered them quarentined if that were the case, Nerverack. *He pauses, clearing his vocalizer.* The other reason you have been called to the Ark is to assist with some kind of experiment to improve Cybertronian self-repair. ...I would assume the reason I chose you for this, Nerverack, is obvious.

[Flatfoot] was I who was requested? And you chose him as the second to go?

[Ultra Magnus] Yes. Also, I would assume that you are not to speak openly about this experiment to anyone outside of Ratchet. The transfer request, as sent, indicates that you are both to report to him on arrival. Both of you will also be accompanying the shipment of parts our CMO ordered through...erm...Maccadams bar.

[Flatfoot], sir?

[Ultra Magnus] Apparently, the transwarp issue also created a space bridge like portal between the Ark and the bar, so you can use it to get through rather than taking a several day shuttle trip.

[Nerverack] I don't know about this, I really don't know....

[Flatfoot] Orders are orders, Nerves. *shoots him a look to quiet him* *he then turns back to Magnus* Thank you for the news and this opportunity, sir. I promise we won't disappoint.

[Ultra Magnus] I do have faith in you, Flatfoot. Be read to depart within the next twenty megacyles. By that time, our engineers will have finished getting together the parts order for shipment.

[Flatfoot] Yessir. *salutes*

[Nerverack] Y...yessir... *salutes*

*As the pair leave his office, Magnus shakes his head and sits back in his chair.* .oO (I really hope Prime and Ratchet know what they're doing.)
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