
Jun 22, 2004 16:41

I'd like to encourage all and sundry to visit the Spit page on Mperia. "Spit" is a band that I'm in. We entered the JJJ Unearthed competition for Queensland this year (I've listed the location as Sydney on Mperia because I'm from Sydney, but really, Ed Revolting Ruptured Spleen With A Hangover, who's from Brisbane, provides all the musical talent).

Currently there is a single song review, which looks rather lonely. Wouldn't it be nice to listen to one of the tracks, and leave a comment in the comments section, as to what you think of it?

You know it would be.

I wrote "Down In The Meadow", by the way, of which I am extremely proud. But don't let that stop you from writing a damning critique.
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