Is just about everything I ever ask for in a prompt in any given meme. (Which is usually something like this: Dean is hurt (physically/emotionally); Cas is there for him. (Or some kind of variation thereof.))
It's like the fic to end all Dean/Cas fics. The reference which all future Dean/Cas fics will be held up to.
Seriously, you have no idea how much love I have for this fic of yours. I thought I liked the last one you posted, but, man, this really hit me like a wrecking ball. In a good way :)
This was such a beautiful island of gen in a sea of horrible pwp/gratuitous smut where Dean and Cas are concerned that this alone is reason enough to cherish it and rec the hell out of it.
It fits in so perfectly with season 7 and Dean's current head space it isn't even funny anymore. It's like a Long Day's Journey Into Night for Dean, except it goes through the dark and comes out at a brilliant new morning.
You give Dean - in his dream - the mother of all breakdowns. What us Dean-girls keep waiting for show to give us. Except I'm doubtful show could pull it off in any way as emotional and heartbreaking as you did.
Seriously, half the time I coudln't even make out the words cause I was reading through a film of tears. And when I re-read in order to find how I was gonna comment on this - the same thing happened again.
I copied/pasted quotes from this fic like mad into my notes to prove all the brilliant phrases and the wording and the way you create atmosphere, but it turned into a case of practically quoting the whole fic!
On the second read I could make out all the little tells, like the transition from Dean thinking Cas is just a part of his dream to realizing that he's really there.
Or the way Dean's frame of mind is reflected by the environment, the quiet calm of the sea, the bright sunny day, to flashes of lightning, raging sea, nighttime and coldness. Then nothing at all at the moment when Dean is at his lowest and truly broken. Ready to let Cas kill him.
I loved how Dean tries to convince Cas that he doesn't blame himself for Cas' death.
How, when Dean goes to sit back inside the Impala, it's warm again - but this is just Dean retreating into his dream, into his illusion. He keeps telling Cas to close the window, to keep him from letting the heat out - he doesn't want to let go of the illusion, wants to hold on to this warmth instead of facing the reality of his feelings of exhaustion and hopelessness.
Then Dean's memory of standing outside the motel room
and then you heard his voice. You could hear the one-sided conversation he was carrying on with Lucifer. You could hear the fear in his voice, the confusion, the despair.
This is such a more graphic, palpable insight into Dean's reaction to Sam's mental problems than what we ever get from the show! It really feels like this must be what it feels like to be in Dean's skin.
Is just about everything I ever ask for in a prompt in any given meme. (Which is usually something like this: Dean is hurt (physically/emotionally); Cas is there for him. (Or some kind of variation thereof.))
It's like the fic to end all Dean/Cas fics. The reference which all future Dean/Cas fics will be held up to.
Seriously, you have no idea how much love I have for this fic of yours. I thought I liked the last one you posted, but, man, this really hit me like a wrecking ball. In a good way :)
This was such a beautiful island of gen in a sea of horrible pwp/gratuitous smut where Dean and Cas are concerned that this alone is reason enough to cherish it and rec the hell out of it.
It fits in so perfectly with season 7 and Dean's current head space it isn't even funny anymore. It's like a Long Day's Journey Into Night for Dean, except it goes through the dark and comes out at a brilliant new morning.
You give Dean - in his dream - the mother of all breakdowns. What us Dean-girls keep waiting for show to give us. Except I'm doubtful show could pull it off in any way as emotional and heartbreaking as you did.
Seriously, half the time I coudln't even make out the words cause I was reading through a film of tears. And when I re-read in order to find how I was gonna comment on this - the same thing happened again.
I copied/pasted quotes from this fic like mad into my notes to prove all the brilliant phrases and the wording and the way you create atmosphere, but it turned into a case of practically quoting the whole fic!
On the second read I could make out all the little tells, like the transition from Dean thinking Cas is just a part of his dream to realizing that he's really there.
Or the way Dean's frame of mind is reflected by the environment, the quiet calm of the sea, the bright sunny day, to flashes of lightning, raging sea, nighttime and coldness. Then nothing at all at the moment when Dean is at his lowest and truly broken. Ready to let Cas kill him.
I loved how Dean tries to convince Cas that he doesn't blame himself for Cas' death.
How, when Dean goes to sit back inside the Impala, it's warm again - but this is just Dean retreating into his dream, into his illusion. He keeps telling Cas to close the window, to keep him from letting the heat out - he doesn't want to let go of the illusion, wants to hold on to this warmth instead of facing the reality of his feelings of exhaustion and hopelessness.
Then Dean's memory of standing outside the motel room
and then you heard his voice. You could hear the one-sided conversation he was carrying on with Lucifer. You could hear the fear in his voice, the confusion, the despair.
This is such a more graphic, palpable insight into Dean's reaction to Sam's mental problems than what we ever get from the show! It really feels like this must be what it feels like to be in Dean's skin.
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