May 17, 2007 21:16
life has been life.
i've been under so much stress lately. everything at home has gone wrong. i'm working pretty much everyday this week. i'm failing bestsellers still and i need that class to graduate. i'm losing friends and drifting from the ones i've got. i've been having horrible mood swings. some nights i don't even sleep. when i do sleep, i wake up restless. i used to love going to school and now i dread it. i don't know what's wrong with me, but i don't like it.
on a lighter note, prom was last friday. it was great. everyone looked amazing. the boys looked so fancy in their suits. i had a great time. i'm so distraught that it's over, because now all the seniors have to look forward to is graduation. and then college. i think cj and i are going to be going to HVCC, so i won't be left alone too much. mah baybehh should be staying local too. so everything should be okay.
my floor in my room is leaking. i hate my floor. mehmehmeh.
there's only like.. a month left of school. i'm so excited for summer. so so so excited.
i got my first write-up at work today. apparently, teens under the age of 18 cannot work more than 4hours on a weekday. a couple weeks ago, i took a shift from someone over 18, so i worked 5.75 hours. that's illegal. hehe :]
this is the first entry i've had in awhile.
bask in it, please.