Take It Back To The Concrete Streets

May 09, 2005 18:22

So holy moley, tons of stuff to write about.

This Saturday I took my mom contra dancing in Montpelier, and had a grand old time alamond lefting, swinging and doing Californian twirls. Was a ton of fun, and Mom LOVED it, and is really addicted. I've never seen a new dancer be so into it. She showed no frustration, and danced almost EVERY one. Afterwards, it was all she could talk about, and we went out for very decadent desserts at Julios. We had to make up all those calories we had burned :-)

Last night was the Jurrasic 5 concert at Higher ground, which was AMAZING, and tons of fun. Tuna Fish is by far my favorite. If you don't know who Jurrasic 5 is, BUY POWER IN NUMBERS! NOW! They have a new album I wanna check out. They just had a great stage presence, and their message is far better than most other  rap groups out there. And their show is really interactive and upbeat. A couple years ago I would have never thought I'd pay $32 to see a rap group.

The 2.5 hour wait wasn't so great (well the first DJ was pretty cool) but the "famous" local were really annoying and gross. The place was PACKED, and it makes me wonder how much $$ they raked in. Higher Ground is a pretty decent space, and was impressed with the set up. Next time I may even get a drink.

I just got off the phone with this guy Dave, and it's kind of weird 'cause.... eh. He wanted to hang out, so I just said come over for some chicken tomorrow (I have to cook it), and he's bringing rice pilaf, but he called me "Sweetie" the second I was hanging up, just slipped it in there, and that's annoying. It's weird, 'cause it's nice to have someone actually calling for ME for a change, but at the same time, it's not the most ideal situation. Bah! If he says it again I'll bash his nose in.

That cat that has been visiting us. Apparently it peed on Jill, so I don't think we'll be welcoming him back with as much enthusiasm. At least, I'm not going to let him roam the appartment anymore. But I do miss Kitties. I woke up on Mom and Dad's couch yesterday with one curled on my stomach, toasty warm.

Today is Mom's birthday! So I better give her a ring.

And did anyone else hear that they are going to be making the Chronicles of Narnia! It's weird, 'cause I was just wondering when they would get around to that, and voila! Am excited. I read them years ago, and we had the old films covering the first 4 books, complete with cheap special effects. :-)

Oh yeah! And Laura was here this weekend, which was fun, and she and Jill brought a Gabe to our appartment yesterday. Will get to see them both and a fun mob of others this coming weekend at Graduation.

*crosses fingers for good weather*

Ummmmmm...... other then breaking up gang wars between K-2nd graders (I think the upcoming musical of West Side Stoy totally provoked the recent gang activity) I haven't been up to much at work. My kids have been doing better, my eval went well, and I am being a super procrastinator when it comes to contacting potential summer employers.

But I'll think of something as soon as I hit that update journal button. Happens every time. :-)

One orange colored day...
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